ARCHIVES >>> 8/2006

29.08.2006 22:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Although today we are not going to show any of our own work, we hope you will still be interested in what we have to say. Since our last update, several interesting things have happened in the Battlefield 2(tm) and Forgotten Hope for Battlefield 1942(tm) communities. But let's start with the general part before we get to the FH-specific topic.

As you might have noticed already, our friends from the Point of Existence Mod have released their first public version for Battlefield 2(tm). We would like to take the opportunity to congratulate them for their stunning work and amazing gaming experience! They have put so much effort into this and this is definitely worth a downloading and checking out! We suggest anyone owning Battlefield 2(tm) to visit their website and give the mod a try. You will not regret it!

Also, we have news of special interest for players of Forgotten Hope for Battlefield 1942(tm). Forgotten Honor has opened a new campaign and everyone is kindly invited to join up. But read yourself!

Campaign #5 "La Captivité" Enlist now!


"Why join the 5th Forgotten Honor campaign?"

There are many reasons. You will become an important element in a war machine of epic proportions. You will experience levels of teamwork beyond what you thought possible. You will meet interesting people as dedicated to gaming and winning as you are! Even the lowliest members may become heroes standing on the shoulders of the titans that came before them.

Several key features are:

  • Massive 32 vs 32, 6 hours battles every week.
  • Totally new custom maps every week.
  • 2 Teams, 2 Armies, Divided in companies, dozens of unique players.
  • Complex Ranking system to get as close as possible to a real war zone.
  • Completely free, and open to anyone regardless of skill level.
  • Players from all over the world, you won't be alone no matter where your from!

And this is still not the end. In fact it is just scratching the surface!

Still not enough?

  • A friendly user community, and forums teeming with life.
  • Real user to user communication via Teamspeak.
  • Play on our public server, located in England.
  • Meet open minded people, in a Tournament that is run BY and FOR the players.
  • All this brought to you for free. Yeah 100% free!

So what are you waiting for?

Join campaign #5 right now and become part of this epic battle for survival. Storm the gates of the French city of Paris as the puny Frenchmen desperately try to counter attack, or grab your weapon and defend your homeland from the barbaric German attack, the choice is yours!

So enlist now! All are accepted, and come see what it is really like to be in a world of blood, a world of action, a world of...FORGOTTEN HONOR! Your destiny is in your hands now, will you rise to the call? There is glory to be had and futures to be forged by your hands!


That's all for this week, but be sure to come for our next update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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22.08.2006 22:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. We would like to kick off our update without loosing too any words with the AEC Mk I Gun Carrier, known as the Deacon. It was an attempt to make the QF 6 pounder anti-tank gun into a self-propelled artillery piece. It was employed only during the North African Campaign. The main goal was to provide British troops with a mobile anti-tank weapon. Only 175 were built in total. The Deacon was modelled by ctz and Jimbob, who made also the skin and normalmapping. Manufacturer of the tires and provider of the tools was Rad. The belonging 6-pounder was created by AaronAsh and TheJackalx2k.

We would like to finish the update with a couple of statics and impression shots. On the 4 screenshots you can see a harbourhouse made by Toddel, an oiler wreck by Jimbob, Lobo and Mange and a PAK 38 ammobox from Toddel.



That's all for today, but be sure to come back next week for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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15.08.2006 22:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we have only a few words to say but many images to show. We have 10 screenshots of our current build, made during online tests with on our test server. These show off a lot of relatively new integration of the models, textures and code that we have been showing separately in our earlier news updates. We would like to take a moment and thank both and for providing us with test servers. Without excellent communities like these supporting us, the Forgotten Hope community would not be nearly as lively and interesting.

The screens were taken on the map "Operation Aberdeen" by Augustus. For those that are new to the mod, here is a quick recap of who made the different items shown: DAK soldiers and equipment by Zero and McGibs, the MP40 by HailofNails and Rad, the Stielhandgrenate by Rad, the SdKfz251/1 by K96, the Panzer IIIN by Rad, Upgraded sandbag texture maps by Rad (model by DICE), the K98 by McGibs, Opel Blitz by Mange and Jimbob, the P38 by HailofNails and McGibs and North African buildings by Malsa to only mention a few things. ctz put it all together and got it to work smoothly.

These are all work-in-progress shots from our alpha build, so there are still many things to be tweaked. A number of people seemed anxious see what FH2 looked like in a less formal presentation than we usually have for our news images, so these pictures are for them.

That's all for today, but be sure to come back next week for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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07.08.2006 21:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. We have some especially good news today to start with. After the long period of suffering Toddel has made it into the Forgotten Hope Developer Team. You have seen many static models and skins from him already and will surely agree that he deserved it--few have worked so hard to earn their place on the team. For any that are still in doubt we have more items that were made by Toddel today. Enjoy the images and join us in giving Toddel a warm welcome to the team!


Next we have a bunch of smaller items for you. Many of them have already been shown, but in this image we can give you a taste of how they will be used together. First, is the new Flak 38 ammo box also made by our newest member Toddel, with a bit of normal tweaking by Rad. Other objects, which you may have seen earlier, are Rad's jerrycans, Malsa's water jug, Lobo's wooden crate, and jodonnel' Flak 38 and Flak 38 ammo magazine.

Last object of interest is the Bristol Type 156 Beaufighter finally in game. It served in almost all theatres of war in service and operated in every role that of a heavy fighter to doing battle as a torpedo plane. More than 5500 were produced between 1939 and 1945. Furthermore this aircraft was one of the first to be equipped with an airborne radar set. This multipurpose aircraft will come in very handy against the panzers of the Afrika Korps. It was modeled by SirFluffy, skinned by AceS and coded by ctz. Please also give your attention up for some additional stuff around there like the aircraft camo net made by Lobo or the sand ladders made by Toddel.



That's all for today, but be sure to come back next week for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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01.08.2006 17:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Yesterday we posted a preview image and a bit of cryptic nonsense. Today it is time to deliver on that nonsense! Today, finally, you can see the first part of the most often requested object since Forgotten Hope 2 was announced. We had to take a long road to get there, but finally, we are able to present the German player model.

We wanted to create a little extra buzz for today, since for us it is a huge milestone. Completing our first player model has been the most difficult, and at the same time most critical single development hurdle since we started working on Forgotten Hope 2. We were a bit startled at the firestorm of comment that our little preview picture created—-we would never have predicted it, but are happy to find out how many people care so much about what we put in our news.

But rather than more words, we would like to show you the goods. The German player model wears a uniform typical of a Deutsche Afrika Korps infantryman from the 1941-early 1942 period, based on research by Lightning, Taranov and Zero. We have shown him with a selection of kit and weapon items to give you an idea of the variety, but there is more to come in future updates.

The DAK landser was modeled by Zero, who weighted the model, created the normal map and performed the initial skinning as well. The skin was refined by McGibs and the exporting and coding was done by ctz. The lovely renders were created by Rad, and the whole team subjected those already mentioned to incessant kibitzing until we decided it was ready to show the public. We hope you feel it was worth the long wait.


Please check back next weekend for the next Forgotten Hope news update, which will include even more new images of our mod’s development. Until then we would like to invite all those who wish to send praise, criticism, threats or slanders to our IRC channel and public forums to discuss this update.

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