Posted by: BUG$ & StrangerthanFiction
29.08.2006 22:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Although today we are not going to show any of our own work, we hope you will still be interested in what we have to say. Since our last update, several interesting things have happened in the Battlefield 2(tm) and Forgotten Hope for Battlefield 1942(tm) communities. But let's start with the general part before we get to the FH-specific topic.

As you might have noticed already, our friends from the Point of Existence Mod have released their first public version for Battlefield 2(tm). We would like to take the opportunity to congratulate them for their stunning work and amazing gaming experience! They have put so much effort into this and this is definitely worth a downloading and checking out! We suggest anyone owning Battlefield 2(tm) to visit their website and give the mod a try. You will not regret it!

Also, we have news of special interest for players of Forgotten Hope for Battlefield 1942(tm). Forgotten Honor has opened a new campaign and everyone is kindly invited to join up. But read yourself!

Campaign #5 "La Captivité" Enlist now!


"Why join the 5th Forgotten Honor campaign?"

There are many reasons. You will become an important element in a war machine of epic proportions. You will experience levels of teamwork beyond what you thought possible. You will meet interesting people as dedicated to gaming and winning as you are! Even the lowliest members may become heroes standing on the shoulders of the titans that came before them.

Several key features are:

  • Massive 32 vs 32, 6 hours battles every week.
  • Totally new custom maps every week.
  • 2 Teams, 2 Armies, Divided in companies, dozens of unique players.
  • Complex Ranking system to get as close as possible to a real war zone.
  • Completely free, and open to anyone regardless of skill level.
  • Players from all over the world, you won't be alone no matter where your from!

And this is still not the end. In fact it is just scratching the surface!

Still not enough?

  • A friendly user community, and forums teeming with life.
  • Real user to user communication via Teamspeak.
  • Play on our public server, located in England.
  • Meet open minded people, in a Tournament that is run BY and FOR the players.
  • All this brought to you for free. Yeah 100% free!

So what are you waiting for?

Join campaign #5 right now and become part of this epic battle for survival. Storm the gates of the French city of Paris as the puny Frenchmen desperately try to counter attack, or grab your weapon and defend your homeland from the barbaric German attack, the choice is yours!

So enlist now! All are accepted, and come see what it is really like to be in a world of blood, a world of action, a world of...FORGOTTEN HONOR! Your destiny is in your hands now, will you rise to the call? There is glory to be had and futures to be forged by your hands!


That's all for this week, but be sure to come for our next update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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