Posted by: StrangerThanFiction
13.10.2005 05:30 GMT

Hello, and welcome to another Forgotten Hope news update. Some updates are about big maps and big vehicles, but this update is about getting up close and personal. Before we get any closer, I am pleased to announce a new addition to our team. Citizen Soldier will be helping make FH2 sound as good as it looks. Lets give him a warm welcome!

The first item today is collection of civilian home furnishings by Malsa. These will be found in civilian dwellings throughout the North African Theater in Forgotten Hope 2.

Normally we don't show the same vehicle twice in successive weeks, but these images were too interesting not to show. These close-up views of Rad's Panzer III Ausf N show off the power of normal mapping, in BF2's advanced lighting system.


Moving on to Forgotten Hope 0.7, we have a new vehicle for the Italian Army, the Camionetta 42 'Sahariana', which was skinned and modeled by Montoya. The Sahariana was a light transport vehicle that was used voth for recon vehicle and as a weapons carrier. Several Sahariana-equipped units were raised to operate against the British Long Range Desert Group, a role in which it performed well. The Forgotten Hope Sahariana comes in two flavors, an unarmed transport version, and an assault version armed with two Breda 37 mgs, and an armored windshield.

Last for today, we have a new map to show--Berlin Streets 1945, by King Rudolph. It is a grim, dark map of the final apocalyptic battle of World War II in Europe. Desperate German troops hopelessly fight to hold off the Soviet onslaught for just a few hours more. Armored vehicles can't win this map on their own, the outcome depends on the infantry, who must battle eyeball to eyeball for every shattered block.




That's it for this week, please come back again for our next update. Until then, feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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