Posted by: StrangerThanFiction
06.10.2005 06:00 GMT

Hello, and welcome to the latest Forgotten Hope news update. Before we get started with the visuals, I am happy to announce the addition of three new members to the development team. First of all, we have Anlushac11 who will be coding and mapping, as well as contributing his encyclopedic knowledge of World War II. Second, we have Lightning, who will be running our betatest team, but has also been helping to fix the bugs that the testers identify. Finally, The Hail of Nails will be bringing his considerable modeling skills to Forgotten Hope. Please join us in welcoming the new guys to the team!

Next, I have an unusual treat--Lobo has prepared a special video demoing a new feature that will be included for certain items in 0.7--fully functional, 3D ironsights for MG42s, MG34s, static machine guns, and shaped-charge AT projectile weapons. The system was created by Zero and polished and implemented by Civius. We won't say any more about it, you will just have to watch.

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An FH update wouldn't be complete without some sharp visuals. We are pretty sure that you will like these ones. Here are a few pics of Rad's Panzer III Ausf N, being put through its paces at the Forgotten Hope 2 desert proving grounds. Special thanks to D_Fast of the Point of Existence mod, who helped us get this beast in smooth operating condition.



That's all for this week, but be sure to come next week for our next update. Until then, feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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