ARCHIVES >>> 9/2006

25.09.2006 22:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. We would like to start the update with a download suggestion for Forgotten Hope 0.7 players. Forgotten Honor presents a new map pack for Forgotten Hope for Battlefield 1942(tm) featuring 6 maps. This should help shorten the wait for the upcoming Forgotten Hope 2. For more information on their tournament you should give their page a visit! You can download the map pack here.

The first item for today's news is the Flugabwehrkanone 38. It was modeled and skinned by Jodonnell. The Flak 38 was designed in 1939 as the successor to the Flak 30 and entered service in 1940. It quickly became the most common light anti-aircraft gun of the German armed forces. To enhance its mobility it could be either towed or mounted on a vehicle. The Sonderanhänger 52 and the Flakpanzer 38 (t) are only two examples. The following in-game screenshots feature the 1st person view, gunsight and wreck.

Next item for today is the Cruiser Mk VI tank, better known as the Crusader I and sometimes considered the most important British tank for the North African campaign. More than 5,300 were built in total and the early version saw action first in Operation Battleaxe. This version was modelled by Montoya and OMNI and skinned and normal mapped by AaronAsh. The improved late version with new sideskirts and mantlet was modelled by OMNI, skinned by AaronAsh and Lobo, normal mapped by AaronAsh and got the tracks from Jimbob and Montoya.

That's all for today, but be sure to come back next week for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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18.09.2006 22:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today close air support is considered vital for any mixed force operation. In World War II, however, the air forces of many countries were focused on strategic operations. But, at the beginning of the war, the Luftwaffe's force composition emphasized direct tactical support of the troops on the ground, rather than long-range strategic bombing.

No plane symbolized this emphasis better than the Sturzkampfflugzeug Junkers Ju 87, the "flying artillery" of the Wehrmacht. Although suffering from several defects, including a low top speed that made it vulnerable to enemy fighters, the Ju 87 (popularly known today as the "Stuka") excelled at pinpoint bombing of battlefield targets. During the early war period, when the Luftwaffe's fighters still dominated the skies, the Ju 87 was a devastatingly effective weapon. Later on, as control of the air slipped away, the JU 87's shortcomings became more obvious. Today we would like to present the first in-game screenshots of the Ju 87B2 dive-bomber bomber modeled by K96 and skinned by K96 and AceS.




Another vital supporting asset has always been transportation for supplies and reinforcements. The most common truck used by British forces was the Bedford 3 ton lorry. More than 70,000 3-ton Bedfords were produced between 1939 and 1945, in a variety of configurations and were used for all conceivable transport roles, including the movement of troops, horses, machine guns and supplies. The Bedford was originally modeled by Mange, updated and tweaked for BF2 by Lobo, skinned by AaronAsh and Jimbob and Lobo, normal mapped by Lobo and given a brand-new set of tires by Rad.

That's all for today, but be sure to come back next week for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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11.09.2006 21:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we would like to welcome three more developers to the team. Digital_Assassin, IllicitFilms and Squirrelly. IllicitFilms is an experienced map and film maker, while Squirrelly is a talented maker of custom textures. We will show you some of their work in a future update, but we would like to kick off the image presentation with the first Forgotten Hope 2 item made by Digital_Assassin. With so many new devs, we needed to repurpose his civilian building as a barracks. It still needs a bit of sweeping out, and new furniture, but it comes along with a basement and a wonderful patio. Might be a nice place for an economy-class vacation, getting some rest after an exhausting firefight, or even a hideout for snipers.

Our next item for today is one of the most ugliest tanks ever conceived, yet has a mysterious boxy appeal. The British Cruiser Mk IVA (A13 Mk II) was equipped, like most cruiser tanks of the time, with an Ordnance QF 2-pounder and an 0.303 BESA machine gun. It served with the 7th Armored Division in the Western Desert between 1940 and 41, as well as seeing action in France and Greece. The Cruiser Mk IVA was originally manufactured by Nuffield, LMS, Leyland, and English Electric, but for Forgotten Hope2 modeled and skinned by Montoya.

That's all for today, but be sure to come back next week for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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05.09.2006 21:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we would like to show off some more progress made in the last weeks. First we have some more statics to present. Starting with a ruined version of the African villa made by Toddel, that will fit on to every map for the desert campaign. Furthermore we have a set of textures for the DICE trains in a more World War II style by Rad. And last but not least, if there is no chance to find a place to sleep in one of the aforementioned places, we have a tent made by Lobo for all the soldiers out there to find some rest.



A worthy end for the update will be the most widely known German Divebomber, the Sturzkampfflugzeug better known as Stuka. Easy to identify by the infamous wailing siren, the Junkers Ju 87B2 dive bomber carried a bomb weight of up to 500kg. Furthermore it was equipped with two 7.92mm forward machineguns 17 and one 7.92mm rear MG 15, which was modeled by K96 and skinned by ctz. The aircraft model itself was made by K96 and skinned by K96 and AceS.


That's all for today, but be sure to come back next week for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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