ARCHIVES >>> 8/2021

19.08.2021 18:00 GMT

It’s with great sorrow in our hearts that we announce that in these past few days, two of our former developers have passed away.

Peter Wal (better known to us as ArminAce) and Chad Pippenger (better known to us as Chad509).

Chad509 joined us in 2011 as an animator. With his attention to detail and sense of weight and motion he not only gave life to our weapons but a sense of character as well. His work can still be seen in Forgotten Hope 2 on the M1A1 Thompson. Chad also laid the groundwork for the animation workflows we still use in Forgotten Hope 2 today. He had a sense of duty to the mod and other developers and was always willing to teach and help. Chad will be dearly missed.

Shocking news that Chad is not with us anymore. He was the first to get me into the animation field and helped me develop a visceral style in my works. He will be truly missed.

Micah 'Roughbeak' Reigstad

ArminAce led the development team for the majority of the original Forgotten Hope releases. He also made many of the most iconic and loved maps such as Sector 318, Battle of Foy, Kharkov Outskirts, Counterattack and Alpenfestung, to name but a few. He set the tone and mood for the mod with his love for detail and all the easter eggs he hid in his maps and models. Besides his own contribution to Forgotten Hope, he also inspired us to learn and improve and become developers ourselves. His impact on Forgotten Hope, the community and us developers is indescribable. Peter will be dearly missed.

I for myself want to say " Thank You " for all the great hours of joy I had playing Forgotten Hope 1 and working on Forgotten Hope 2. All the Love of Detail, Easter Eggs and genius Concepts we found in your Maps and Models!

Thank you for inspiring me to start myself to model, texture and map, my own career in the Gaming Industry...

We salute you!


Our broken hearts go out to the loved ones of both Peter and Chad, our friends. May their bodies rest but their spirit live on in our memories.

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09.08.2021 13:05 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

We are pleased to announce that Forgotten Hope 2.58 is now live! You can download it by starting the Launcher. New and returning players can download the launcher from our downloads page. We hope to see you on the battlefield!

This is another small patch that adds the following changes:

    Updated url pointing to the new master server
    Fixed CMP null error in the launcher
    Fixed the Port-en-Bessin 64 crash Removed the planeless Alam Halfa and Gazala 32 layers

We hope to see you on the servers soon!

That's all for today, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our Discord, our public forums, and/or our Twitter and Facebook pages to discuss this update and other news.

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01.08.2021 18:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

Today we are showing off renders of a tank that you might have seen the turret of before: the Hotchkiss Mle 35 M39, more commonly known as the H39.

In 1926, the French Army identified a need for a cheap light tank capable of supporting the infantry in the attack. This was supposed to be filled by the D1, but that vehicle was neither light or cheap. In 1933, the manufacturer Hotchkiss approached the Army with an idea for a tank to fill this requirement that would take advantage of advances in armour casting. A set of formal requirements were issued to Hotchkiss, and also to other manufactures. Hotchkiss returned to the Army with its first prototype in March 1935, not only finding that they had been beaten by Renault but also meeting with rejection as the requirements for armour had increased from 30 to 40mm.

By August Hotchkiss had managed to submit a revised design and this was adopted as the H35 with 200 ordered. However the first vehicles delivered in 1936 showed poor manoeuvrability in cross country driving and the Infantry rejected them. Fortunately, the Cavalry were suffering from slow deliveries of their SOMUA S35 tanks, and became a useful if somewhat unwilling place to send the tanks. Having been designed for infantry support, the H35 had a rather slow speed of 28 kph, and the need for a better engine was seen rather quickly.

First prototyped in 1937, the main change in what would become the H35 modifié 39 was a new 120hp engine. This increased the speed to 36.5 kph, but required a redesign to the engine deck. Production switched over from the older design with chassis number 401. At the same time, the shortcomings of the venerable 37mm SA18 gun were recognised. Originally designed for the FT, it was completely inadequate as an anti-tank gun. Its replacement was to be the high velocity 37mm SA38, though production of this new weapon never quite managed to meet the demand to retrofit existing vehicles.

The H39 served widely in both Infantry and Cavalry units in France during May and June 1940. The armour protection was very good but the single man turret and lack of radios left the type vulnerable to the more tactically aware Panzer divisions. Many would be captured by the Germans and used both as is and in a multitude of modified roles for the rest of the war. Our H39 was made by Seth Soldier.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our Discord, our public forums, our Twitter, our subreddit, and/or Facebook pages to discuss this update and other news.

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