ARCHIVES >>> 8/2012

22.08.2012 22:30 GMT

Today, we have an advertisement from World at War and Forgotten Honor's FH2Tournament:

Update 2:
  There is a second Hotfix available. (Hotfix 1 included)

This weekend, the newly formed FH2Tournament invites you to join us in our first public custom map event showcasing 5 custom maps spanning the Italian Campaign of World War II. These maps have been battled tested in several campaigns of the Forgotten Honor and World at War FH2 Tournaments.

As a special bonus we will be running the new 130 player player code which also allows 8 player squads. A big thanks to the developer Nemes1s and the FH2 devs involved in helping getting 64+ servers to work! This means even more epic battles on great custom maps!

Five outstanding custom maps are included in the event map pack.

Maps & content

    Biazza (Biazza Ridge): US vs DE/IT
    11 July 1943
    Infantry clash with armoured support
    Etna Line (Battle of Troina): US vs DE/IT
    31 July - 6 August 1943
    Large scale combined arms engagement focussed on a large town
    Salerno (Operation Avalanche): US vs DE
    9 September 1943
    Amphibious invasion of Salerno Harbour
    Garigliano Crossing: GB vs DE
    January 1944
    Large scale combined arms around the river Garigliano
    Operation Diadem: US/GB vs DE
    May 1944
    Nighttime infantry and tank skirmishes in mountainous terrain
    Unique custom content:
    - Mosquito, BF110 Fighter/Bomber Aircraft
    - R71 Motorcycle
    - Italian buildings and statics

Event Map Pack Download & installation:

    Installer (recommended)
    Rar file for manual installation (not recommended)
    Hotfix 2 (please install after the main installer! Extract to your Battlefield 2\mods\fh2 directory and overwrite all files)

Simply download and run the installer. It will ask for the location of your Battlefield 2 directory. The maps and all required files will be installed. Your stock FH2 installation will not be interfered with. Apply the Hotfix after the installation.

Starting Friday, August 24th at

    18:00 - UTC
    21:00 - 9pm Eastern Europe
    20:00 - 8pm Central Europe
    19:00 - 7pm BST Britain
    15:00 - 3pm Buenos Aires
    14:00 - 2pm East Coast USA
    13:00 - 1pm Central USA
    11:00 - 11am Pacific USA
    04:00 - 4am Sydney Australia

The Event will continue all weekend from Fri August 24th - Sun August 26th. If the server happens to be empty, just load in and other players will join in no time.

Where (only 1 server will be available at a time, either F|H or WaW):

Forgotten Honor - F|H
FH2 Server: F|H Server (final server name TBD)

Teamspeak 3 Server: Forgotten Honor

World at War - WaW
FH2 Server: WaW Server (final server name TBD)

Teamspeak 3 Server: World at War Tournament

What is required to play:
Battlefield 2 patched to 1.50, Forgotten Hope 2 mod 2.45, event map pack (link above)

Some screenshots of the maps:

Biazza Ridge

Etna Line


Garigliano Crossing

Operation Diadem

Historical information about the battles the maps are based on:

Biazza (Biazza Ridge): US vs DE/IT
Armchair General
On July 11, 1943 another critical battle was fought on Biazza Ridge, which guarded the high ground overlooking the 45th Division landing beaches. At one point the morning of July 10 Gavin’s tiny band encountered a thirty-five man Italian anti-paratroop patrol.
At about 8:30 a.m. on July 11, as Gavin was headed west along Route 115 in the direction of Gela, he began rounding up scattered groups of 505th paratroopers and infantrymen of the 45th Division and successfully attacked a ridge that overlooked a road junction at the east end of the Acate Valley. It was called Biazza Ridge. Gavin established hasty defenses on the ridge, overlooking the road junction, Ponte Dirillo and the Acate River valley. Although he had no tanks or artillery to support him, he immediately surmised the importance of holding the ridge as the only Allied force between the Germans and their unhindered exploitation of the exposed left flank of the 45th Division and the thinly held right flank of the 1st Division. Against Gavin that day was the entire eastern task force of the Hermann Göring Division: at least 700 infantry, an armored artillery battalion, and a company of Tiger Tanks.

Etna Line (Battle of Troina): US vs DE/IT
The Battle of Troina took place between 31 July and 6 August 1943. The Battle of Troina began on 31 July, when the Germans repelled an advance by the 39th Infantry Regiment, a 9th Infantry Division formation temporarily attached to the 1st Division. This setback forced Bradley and Major General Terry de la Mesa Allen (the commander of the 1st Infantry Division), to orchestrate a massive assault. Over the next six days the men of the 1st Infantry Division, together with elements of the 9th Division, a French Moroccan infantry battalion.

Salerno (Operation Avalanche): US vs DE
Operation Avalanche - the main invasion at Salerno by the U.S. 5th Army - began on 9 September 1943, and in order to secure surprise, the Army decided to assault without preliminary naval or aerial bombardment. However, as amphibious force commander Hewitt had predicted, tactical surprise was not achieved. As the first wave of the U.S. 36th Infantry Division.

Garigliano Crossing: GB vs DE
In January 1944, the allies were held up in Italy on the Gustav line. The 10th British Corps had the task of breaking through on the southern flank, from the mouth of the Garigliano to Cassino, on the 17th January, to pave the way for the Anzio landing on the 22nd January.

Operation Diadem: US/GB vs DE
Also referred to as the Fourth Battle of Monte Cassino was an offensive operation undertaken by the Allies (U.S. Fifth and British Eighth Armies) in May 1944, as part of the Italian Campaign. It was launched at 2300 Hours on 11 May 1944 to break the German defenses on the western half of the Winter Line and open up the Liri Valley, the main route to Rome.

To read more, go to the forum thread here.

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19.08.2012 18:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

Today we would like to show you a render of arguably the most important weapon of the Soviet infantryman. It is of course, the Mosin-Nagant M1891/30!

The Mosin-Nagant began its long life with a competition to replace the aging single shot Berdan rifles that equipped the Tsarist army. The winning design was Russian Captain Sergei Ivanovich Mosin's rifle, with the addition of the clip feed, magazine spring and feed interrupter of Belgian Léon Nagant's proposal. The original Mosin rifle was made in Infantry, Dragoon and Cossack variants.

Following the victory of the Red Army in the Civil War, the decision was taken to modernise the rifle. The M91/30 was based on the earlier Dragoon rifle, many of which were reworked to the new standard. Improvements included a hooded post front sight, flat rear sight marked in metres, and eventually a change from the octagonal "hex" receivers to round ones. By 1945, 17.4 million M91/30 rifles had been manufactured.

The M91/30 also had some success as a sniper rifle, fitted with either a PE, PEM, or most commonly a PU scope. The mounting of these scopes above the receiver meant that a bent bolt had to be fitted. The Mosin-Nagant rifles were made by Seth Soldier.

Our winners for this week's screenshot competition is Lupin. You can view the winning submission here.

We are now accepting entries for the week of August 20th. If you think you have the best FH2 screenshot, post them here.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel, our public forums, and/or our Twitter and Facebook pages to discuss this update and other news.

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12.08.2012 21:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

Today we'd like to show off perhaps one of the most important armoured fighting vehicles of all time. But first, we'd like to extend a warm welcome to the talented Gurdy, who joins the development team as a static modeller.

The T-34 evolved out of a project to design a replacement for the BT series of tanks using information gained at the battles of Khalkhin Gol. Tests with increasingly armoured and armed prototypes lead to the initial design for the T-34. With the poor performance of existing Soviet tanks in the Winter War and with German successes in France, the T-34 was hurried into production.

At the time of the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, the T-34 was one of the best tanks in existence - though only on paper. In the initial invasion, serious problems with mechanical reliability, supply shortages and poor internal layout largely removed any advantage the T-34 had over the Panzers it faced. The tank commander was severely strained by the task of aiming the cannon and the lack of effective observation devices, and the Germans noted that T-34s were slow to find and engage targets.

The first T-34 variant on show is the model of 1943. This was an improvement with the addition of a new hexagonal turret, which earned it the nicknamed "Mickey Mouse" from the Germans due to the distinctive silhouette made by the two circular roof hatches when open. Our T-34 features the cupola that was added to this turret later in the production run to provide better all around vision to the commander.

The second variant on show today is the T-34-85. With the appearance of Tiger and Panther tanks, which were immune to the 76.2mm gun, it was decided that a more effective weapon was needed. The answer was the 85mm ZiS-S-53, which was mounted in a new 3 man turret. Although still not a match for the Panther, the new design greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the tank, whilst the minimal changes allowed production to remain high.

Nearly 56,000 T-34s were made in total, of which nearly 45,000 were lost. The ones in Forgotten Hope 2 were made by Pointblank.

Our winners for this week's screenshot competition is AdamPA1006. You can view the winning submission here.

We are now accepting entries for the week of August 13th. If you think you have the best FH2 screenshot, post them here.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel, our public forums, and/or our Twitter and Facebook pages to discuss this update and other news.

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05.08.2012 23:30 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

It's now been three weeks since version 2.45 was released, and we hope that everyone who has played since then has enjoyed it. We'd like to extend a big congratulations to all of you who have downloaded and played the new version. The development team have taken a well earned break from making FH2 to play it, but the show must go on and today we'd like to say a few words about the future.

As many of you are no doubt aware, there has recently been a continuing test of a larger than 64 player server, using code developed by Nemes1s. If these tests result in a successful outcome, then Forgotten Hope 2 will be updated to take advantage of larger server sizes.

In other news, we are still working hard to get the Eastern Front ready, and you should expect to see some more Soviet and German equipment from that theatre in the news. But we might also have a few other surprises before the Eastern Front patch. Keep a look out for some new scenarios and content in our current theatres.

Finally, we are preparing a server patch to fix a few of the problems with version 2.45. You will not need to download this unless you manage a server.

Our winners for this week's screenshot competition are pizzzaman12 and Hjaldrgud. You can view the winning submissions here.

We are now accepting entries for the week of August 6th. If you think you have the best FH2 screenshot, post them here.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel, our public forums, and/or our Twitter and Facebook pages to discuss this update and other news.

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