ARCHIVES >>> 6/2007

19.06.2007 19:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2. After two weeks without news it is time to show you a little more of the mod's progress.

The Flugabwehr-Kanone 18, probably the most well known artillery piece of the war, is technically an anti aircraft artillery gun, but that is an oversimplification. Like its opponents, the Wehrmacht of 1939 had underestimated the need for powerful anti-tank guns and equipped its anti-tank units with weapons that proved too small for their job. Unlike other armed forces, it had a ready substitute for the underpowered AT guns already in place -- the notorious '88'.

Although designed for an anti-air role, and deployed in large numbers by the Wehrmacht, which emphasized the tactical use of air power in its doctrines, its high velocity projectiles were also deadly to enemy armor. While the armies of other nations struggled to play catch-up, Germany had an effective anti-tank weapon avaialble in abundance from the start of the conflict. Also useful as direct support artillery it was a flexible and justly feared weapon that deserves much of the credit for creating the legend of German armored prowess. Arisaka created the model and the paintjob is by Jimbob.

Presented for the first time in our last update we lost little time bringing the Universal Carrier into the game. It is ready for action as you can see on the following screens shot by German intelligence. Built in huge numbers, the Universal Carrier was used for a multitude of roles. Several Bren Carriers were captured by the Wehrmacht (many after Dunkirk) the war and refitted with German markings and weapons. The Universal Carrier was modeled by OMNI and Toddel, got its wheels from Rad and was coded into game by ctz.


Where the big guns could not reach, the 'flying artillery' did the job. The Junkers Ju 87B2 'Stuka' was a siren-equipped dive bomber capable of carrying up to 500kg bombs as well as two 7.92mm forward machineguns 17. For self-defence it carried one additional 7.92mm rear MG 15, which was modeled by K96 and skinned by ctz. The aircraft model itself was made by K96 and skinned by K96 and AceS. Say thank you for the code to ctz. All the renders can be found here.


Protecting the humble Universal Carrier form the ravages of Flak 88s and Ju 87s, we offer the ingame version of the Supermarine Spitfire. In total, 6.479 of the Mk V took to the skies during WWII. Considered to be one of the best fighters of the war, its armament consisted of four .303 machine guns and two 20mm Hispano cannons. The Spitfire was modeled by Rad, skinned by Toddel and coded by ctz. For the renders have a look here.



That's all for today, but be sure to come back for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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04.06.2007 21:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2.

First up this week are ingame shots of the German light armoured reconnaissance vehicle Sd.Kfz. 222. Driven by a Horch 3.5 petrol engine its 90 horsepower allowed a maximum cruising speed of 80 km/h and a cross-country speed of 40 km/h. The Sonderkraftfahrzeug 222 was armed with a 2 cm KwK 30 L/55 autocannon and a 7.92 mm Maschinengewehr 34 machine gun. It was modelled by Lude, Rad and AceS, who did the skinning and created the old SdKfz 222 for the BF1942 version already. And last but not least it was deployed into the game by ctz.



Some people wonder about the name seeing the size of the Universal Carrier. But size does not always matter. Often referred to as the Bren Gun carrier (although not always carrying a Bren) this small vehicle showed as very reliable, multirole vehicle. Wether you needed a troop transport or just a machine gun platform - this vehicle could deliver and in the end it was the most numerous armoured fighting vehicle in history with more than 113,000 built! Usually it came along with a 0.303 Bren Gun or 0.55 in Boys anti-tank rifle. Its maximum speed was 48 km/h. The Universal Carrier was modeled by OMNI and Toddel, got its set of wheels from Rad and was coded into game by ctz.

Our last subject is the AEC 4x4 Armoured Command Vehicle. Nicknamed the "Dorchester" after the luxurious London hotel, it had a maximum speed of 60 km/h with a total weight of 11 tons driven by a AEC 187 6 cyl diesel engine delivering 95hp.

This vehicle will serve the commander as another access point to his special abilities. He will only be able to make use of these features being seated inside the Dorchester or at a radio, which were shown before in a previous update.

Today we present the original British version and additionally one of the three captured by the Germans, who called the vehicle Mammut ("giant"). Two of them, named Max and Moritz (which you see here), were employed by Rommel and his staff throughout the campaign. The Dorchester was modelled by ctz and Toddel, skinned by Toddel, and the wheels were created by Rad.


That's all for today, but be sure to come back for another Forgotten Hope update. And don't forget to join us on IRC. Feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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