ARCHIVES >>> 5/2010

14.05.2010 18:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today is the day that you've all been waiting for. The release of 2.26 is finally here! We have for you today the password for the pre-release torrent files and the download link for the regular installer that you've all been waiting for, as well as the official trailer.

But before all of that, we would again like to thank all the betatesters and public players who helped find and identify all the bugs that we've fixed in this new patch. A big thank you to all!

Up first we have a the official 2.26 trailer made by Bob_Sacamano showing off the new map, Port-en-Bessin.

And now, without any further delay, the password for the Forgotten Hope 2.26 torrent files are:

Installation Instructions

To help you through the process of installing Forgotten Hope 2.26, we've prepared some step-by-step instructions. There is only one file required to play 2.26 (if you have 2.25 installed), and an additional two files if you plan to host a dedicated server or if you have a modified version of Forgotten Hope 2.25. First, you have the passworded torrent file. There is both a patch (1022.68MB) and a full installer (3.11GB) available for 2.26. If you do not have FH2 installed at all, or have to re-install 2.25, then you will have to download both the full installer for 2.2 (2.7GB) and the 2.25 incremental patch (814MB). These files can be found on our downloads page along with a list of mirrors.

After extracting the installer just open the file and it should guide you through the rest of the installation. Just remember, if you downloaded the patch, make sure you have an unedited version of Forgotten Hope 2.25 installed (custom maps are not a problem).

If you've downloaded the files without the password (you will find links to these files below) then you must also first extract the installers from their .zip archives. The program win-rar can also open these files. Once extracted, just run the files and the installer should take you through the rest of the installation. Visit the Downloads Section for a full list of download mirrors or click on one below.

Full Installer

Forgotten Hope 2.26 Full Installer (torrent)

Forgotten Hope 2.26 (1 of 2) by
Forgotten Hope 2.26 (2 of 2) by

Forgotten Hope 2.26 (1 of 2) by
Forgotten Hope 2.26 (2 of 2) by

Forgotten Hope 2.26 (1 of 2) by
Forgotten Hope 2.26 (2 of 2) by

Incremental Patch

Forgotten Hope 2.26 Incremental Patch (torrent)

Forgotten Hope 2 Patch 2.25 to 2.26 by FileFront

Forgotten Hope 2 Patch 2.25 to 2.26 by

Forgotten Hope 2 Patch 2.25 to 2.26 by

On a final note, we would like to thank all the fans for their love and support of this great mod. We hope you enjoy the new patch and have some good times while playing. Also, be sure to drop by our public forums and voice your opinions on the new patch. If you have any questions about the torrent, the installer, or Forgotten Hope 2.26 in general, you can always join us on our IRC channel, Teamspeak 2 server (IP: or our public forums and will we do our best to help you out.

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12.05.2010 21:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2. Today, we've got the download links for the torrent files, the dedicated server files, and the changelog for 2.26. But first we have a video tribute to recently deceased developer Rad.

As many of you already know, Jim 'Rad' Rogers passed away on April 8th of last month. Today we present to you a video filmed by tester Kubador that we think fits his personality well. You can view the video below.

Watch Rad's Video Tribute

Next up, we have the passworded torrent files. You will not be able to extract the necessary files until Friday, May 14th when the password is released. In order to download these files, you will need to use a bittorrent client. We recommend one such as uTorrent.

The following torrents contains the client files needed to properly play Forgotten Hope version 2.26. If you have an unmodified version of 2.25, then you will need to only download the 2.26 patch (1022.68MB). The full install is 3.11GB.

Download the Forgotten Hope 2.26 Pre-Release Torrent (incremental)
Download the Forgotten Hope 2.26 Pre-Release Torrent (full install)

If you do not wish to download the torrent files, a regular .exe file will be available for download on Friday, May 14th, as well as the password for the pre-release torrents.

We also have the server files for those who wish to host their own dedicated FH2 server. If you do not plan to do this, you do not need to download these files.

Download the Forgotten Hope 2.26 Server Files

Finally, we have the full changelog for those who wish to see all of the changes that have been done over the past few months. In this patch, we committed ourselves to fixing as many bugs as possible, and over the past few months, we are proud to announce that we have made over 1,000 changes since the 2.25 release.

Download the changelog here

And last but not least we have a quick announcement from the World at War Tournament regarding the opening of Campaign 21. Here's what they had to say. (Note: You do not need to participate in World at War in order to download and install 2.26.)

Presenting World at War's 20th Campaign

The World at War Tournament, powered by, has been producing the best team play on the Battlefield platform for over seven years and is proud to welcome you to our 21st campaign. Featuring exciting custom maps created by our dedicated map team, new equipment, a unique equipment loadout selection system and deployable rally points, the 21st campaign shall be like no other before it.

The Axis war machine has activated the Finnish 61. Karjalan Kaarti Division to spearhead the assault on Europe. At the forefront of the Allied counter-attack is the 62nd Canadian Cavalry Brigade "Jabberwocky" which shall fight for every inch of ground. Each division is led by an officer corps of experienced WaW players that will train you to become part of a quality fighting force and give you the skills needed to be a future officer in WaW.

The World at War Tournament offers you:

  • Massive 11-hour 64-player engagements every Saturday. Fight when you want, for as long as you want.
  • Face the enemy on over 25 territories spanning across Europe and fight for total victory.
  • Deployable statc objects. Place barb wire, anti-tank barriers and more in real time.
  • Squadleader controlled rally points that enhances the spawn system
  • A points system allows your division to select it's own custom equipment for each battle.
  • Start as an enlisted soldier and work your way up the historical ranks to fight and lead as an NCO or even an officer.
  • Gain authentic medals and badges as a result of your skill and dedication on the battlefield.
  • Communicate and coordinate with your unit and division using unique Teamspeak 3 technology.
  • Experience varied gameplay from infantry maps to full scale combined arms engagements.
  • Use new custom equipment and maps created by the WaW community.
  • It's completely free.

The World at War Tournament is a long standing tournament with a diverse community from across the globe. Friendly and welcoming, our members make it easy to integrate without the obligations of a clan. Experience a kind of camaraderie seldom found in gaming and an atmosphere that will keep you coming back for more.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back this Friday for the release. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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10.05.2010 22:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we are very happy to announce the release date for the latest FH2 patch: 2.26. We also have a large amount of in-game screenshots of most of the new content you will find in 2.26.

Forgotten Hope 2.26 Release Date!

Firstly, the announcement you've all been waiting for! After several months of development, we are proud to bring you the news that Forgotten Hope 2.26 will be released on Friday, May 14th, 2010 at 18:00 UTC. We will be releasing the torrent and server files on Tuesday, May 11th.

We would also like to give a special 'thank you' to our beta testing team. We've spent almost an entire 5 months fixing bugs and glitches, and without the dedication of our testing team to find those bugs, and test the fixes, this release would not be possible. In addition to a large number of 'squashed' bugs, we are also releasing some brand new content for all of you to enjoy. You can read a quick list below.

-New Port-en-Bessin map
-BF1942-style spawn waves
-Team specific spawnpoints on many maps
-Two new planes (Bf-109 F4; P-47D)
-M-18 Hellcat and SdKfz 231
-Several new handweapons
-Fixed Operation Cobra/El Alamein/Supercharge crash

And now for your viewing pleasure, we have several in-game screenshots of already shown off content, as well as a few items that never made it into the news updates.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back this Wednesday for part 2! Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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