ARCHIVES >>> 5/2008

27.05.2008 20:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we've got two items; first, we'll talk about the next patch for Forgotten Hope 2 and second, we'll show you some nice renders of weapons that will be available on our Normandy maps.

Before we release Normandy, we've got one more patch coming up for Africa. It will feature three brand new maps and a number of bugfixes (and perhaps new weapons and vehicles). These three maps are in the final stages of development, so we expect this patch not to takes as long as 2.1 to be released. For this patch, which we're calling Forgotten Hope 2.15, we've prepared a teaser that shows screenshots of all three new maps. What the names of the maps are and what they're about we'll leave for you to guess. Feel free to share your guesses on our forum.

We have as many as five new weapon renders today. Let's start with the American weapons, both of which were modeled and skinned by Seth Soldier.

Although the Springfield M1903 rifle first entered military service in the US army in 1903, it was still used in large numbers during the Second World War, especially before the M1 Garand was available in large quantities. By the time of the Normandy landings, the M1 Garand had mostly replaced the springfield, but it still remained the favoured weapon for snipers. The A4 version of the M1903 was adapted for snipers and first appeared in 1942.

The M1 Carbine was first issued to US soldiers in mid 1942. It was developed to be a lightweight, but accurate weapon, as the M1903 Springfield and M1 Garand were thought to be too cumbersome for fast and light troops. Especially for the Airborne a seperate version with a folding stock was made, called the M1A1 Carbine. Although the Carbine fired rounds of the same caliber as the M1 Garand (.30), its rounds were much shorter and many soldiers complained about its lack of stopping power and penetration.

Next, we have three German weapons. Let's start with the explosive ones, both of them modeled and skinned by Knoffhoff.

Both the British and the Americans mainly used fragmentation (pineapple) grenades. These grenades not only cause a concussive explosion, but they can also blast deadly shrapnel up to 50 metres away. The standard German handgranade however, didn't have much of a shrapnell effect at all. To increase the deadlyness of this grenade, the Germans developed special caps that you could slide over the explosive head and would fragment during the blast. Also note that this isn't the same M24 grenade as in 2.1, but a newer version, called the Stielhandgranate M43.

In late 1943 the German army introduced a new weapon in anti-tank combat, called the Panzerfaust (meaning armour-fist in English). The initial version of this weapon could only reach about 30 metres, but the versions used in Normandy can reach as far as 60 or even 100 metres. Contrary to popular belief, this weapon is in fact not a rocket, but a recoilless gun. A rocket has a propellant in the projectile, that carries it through the air. The panzerfaust carries two charges in the barrel, one of which fires the projectile away, while the second creates an equal force in the opposite direction to cancel out the recoil. Be careful though, this second charge creates a dangerous fire-jet at the other end of the weapon, which will severly burn anyone standing behind you.

Last but not least, we have the Sturmgewehr 44, both modeled and skinned by Seth Soldier.

The StG44 only entered service in July 1944, but before that the previous versions of this rifle (MP44 and MP43) had already been used on the front lines. This weapon is commonly regarded as being the first assault rifle in history. It fired powerful 7.92mm rounds, which were more like short rifle rounds than submachinegun bullets. Combined with its relatively long barrel and good accuracy, this weapon combined the best aspects of rifles and submachineguns. Nearly 426,000 of these assaultrifles were build during the war. Many people claim that the famous AK47 was only copied from the StG44, but while the overall design was similar, the mechanics are completely different.

We also have an advertisement from the Forgotten Honor Tournament, check it out:

On February 12th 1941 the German Afrikakorps arrived in Africa. They were led by general Erwin Rommel, who confindent after his successes in France, was sure he could beat the British in North Africa. The Afrikakorps joined up with the Italian forces in Libia and even though Rommels orders were to stop the British 8th Army's advance called Operation Crusader, he instead started a major counter offensive and began pushing the British back towards Egypt. This was the beginning of a long and bloody engangement in Africa that would redefine the German Blitzkrieg. Now you have the chance to take part of this great conflict. Either enlist with the British 7th Armoured Division, part of the 8th Army, and fight to protect British Egypt and push the germans back, or enlist with the 90. Leichte Afrika-Division, part of the Afrikakorps, and fight your way towards Cairo. No matter who wins, the fighting in North Africa will prove to be "The End of the Begninning" of World War II. Regardless of which side you choose to fight for, you will fight with honor on the battlefield and with your comrades beside you. You will feel the struggle and pressure veterans had to face. You will be propelled into battles you have never seen before. You will fight the way war is meant to be fought. You will fight the Forgotten Honor way. Develop in real time as a soldier in the desert war, gain new friends, earn respect and promotions from your officers, and gain medals for your valiant efforts. Take part in the greatest military strategies in the desert war and deliver victory to your army.
"The End of the Beginning" will offer you:
* 32 vs 32 battles every Friday night.
* Team play on the highest possible level
* Two armies lead by experienced officer corp
* An original World War 2 chain of command with Generals giving orders to company officers and through them to every single soldier.
* Battles where first half is played on a European server and the second half is played on a American server
* Sunny Mediterranean beaches
* Unforgettable atmosphere created by very active and friendly community with people from all over the world.

Forgotten Honor - Best Forgotten Hope Tournament

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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16.05.2008 18:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2. Finally, after 5 months of development, we are proud to present Forgotten Hope 2.1. We hope you've all had a chance to download the passworded torrents, so you can get right to playing 2.1 after installing, but don't worry if you haven't, because we've also got a long list of mirrors where you can download the unpassworded files.

Installation Instructions

To help you through the process of installing Forgotten Hope 2.1, we've prepared some step by step instructions. There are as many as four files available. First, you have the two passworded files, one of which is a full version and one of which is a patch. These files are in .rar format and you will need a program such as win-rar to extract the installation file. The password for these files is:

Password for the pre-release .rar file


After extracting the installer just open the file and it should guide you through the rest of the installation. Just remember, if you downloaded the patch, make sure you have an unedited version of Forgotten Hope 2.0 installed (custom maps are not a problem).

If you've downloaded the files without the password (you will find links to these files below) then you must also first extract the installers from their .zip archives. The program win-rar can also open these files. Once extracted, just run the files and the installer should take you through the rest of the installation.

Mirrors Full:
- east coast USA
- West coast USA
- Central Texas USA


Mirrors Patch:
- east coast USA
- West coast USA
- Central Texas USA

SCUM.CO.UK FH 2.0 to 2.1 PATCH

Torrentpassword: -=FH-TS-Server:

The password begins with "-" and ends with "-".

That's all for today, we really hope you enjoy Forgotten Hope 2.1 and have fun playing! Be sure to pay a visit to our IRC channel and our public forums if you have any problems, questions pr comments.

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16.05.2008 15:30 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2. Before we release the password we'd like to show you the new trailer, made by Bob Sacamano. This trailer shows the three new maps (Crete 1941, Gazala and Mareth Line) and some of the new vehicles that make their appearance in the patch. Enjoy.

That's all for now, but be sure to come back in 2 hours for the release of the password and the download links for the unpassworded files. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel to discuss this update and other news.

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14.05.2008 19:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2. Today, we've got the download links for the bittorrent files for you, as well as the dedicated server files and an advertisement from Battle For Europe: World At War.

First, we have two torrents for you. In order to download these files, you will need to use a bittorrent client. We recommend uTorrent. Many thanks to Flüstertüte for setting up these torrents and for hosting the dedicated serverfiles.

The following files are the client files, which you will need to play Forgotten Hope 2.1. If you already have an unmodified Forgotten Hope 2.0 installation, you can download the patch (380MB). If you haven't got FH2 installed, or if you have modified your installation, you will have to download the full version (1462MB). Both files are protected by a password, which will be released on Friday the 16th at 1800 GMT.

The following files are the dedicated server files, which you will only need if you are planning to host a dedicated server of Forgotten Hope 2.1. Normal players should not need to download these files.

Next up, we have another advertisement for a Forgotten Hope 2 community:

Looking for organized play? Looking for brand-new custom FH2 maps that take you out of the desert sand? Looking for a community of gamers who will challenge and respect you? Look no further than World at War. World at War is kicking off their 16th campaign, and we want YOU to be a part of the number one tournament for Forgotten Hope 2.

The World at War Tournament has been producing the best team play on the Battlefield platform for over five years. Tried and tested in FH2, WaW is starting the second campaign to feature the newest version of Forgotten Hope, with the addition of custom maps made by an experienced map team. In the tournaments sixteenth campaign, the British 52nd "Thundering Tartan's" Division stands up against the German 51stFallschirmjäger-Division "Merkur." Leading each division will be veteran generals each with a command staff hand-picked to be the best of the best.

What can the World at War Tournament offer you?
  • Massive 12-hour 64-player engagements every Saturday. Battle when you can, leave when you have to. Organized engagements allows you to play the game the way it was meant to be played.
  • A thriving community of diverse gamers, including players from around the world.
  • A complete gaming experience. Relive World War II as if you were there. Historical rank structures, accurate badges and medals, and intuitive strategies make the World at War tournament like no other.

That's all for today, but be sure to come tomorrow, for more information about Forgotten Hope 2.1. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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10.05.2008 20:30 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. We've gone without a newsupdate for a while, but today, we've got the news you've all been waiting for - the releasedate of the patch! We've decided to name this new patch Forgotten Hope 2.1 and we're pleased to announce that:

Forgotten Hope 2.1 will be released on:
Friday the 16th of May 2008 at 1800 GMT.

Forgotten Hope 2.1 will be available as an incremental patch to Forgotten Hope 2.0 and as a full download. The patch will be 380 MB and the full install 1462 MB. As usual we've prepared passworded bittorrents and serverfiles, which will be available on Wednesday the 14th of May.

Nearly all the new content has been shown in newsupdates before, but for those interested in the complete list of changes we've compiled a changelog which you can download right now.

Download changelog.txt

That's all for this update, but be sure to come back on Wednesday for the release of the serverfiles and the bittorrents. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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