ARCHIVES >>> 3/2010

18.03.2010 20:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we are showing off a revamped hand-weapon and another Allied medium tank.

First up we the M1935 Browning HP pistol. Originally released with version 2.2, this beautiful hand-weapon has received a complete overhaul for 2.26. The 'Hi-Power' as it is sometimes called, started production in 1935 by FN in Belgium. However, once it became apparent that the factory would be overrun by the Germany Army, the plans were sent to Britain, allowing the Allies to continue production of the pistol. The Browning Hi-Power was a very special weapon in that it found favor with both Allied and Axis units, like Waffen-SS, Fallschirmjägers, and the British airborne. The M1935 Browning HP pistol was made by Seth Soldier and Herc.

Next, we have a brand new Allied Sherman tank variant; the M4A3 (75) W Sherman medium tank. This variant came with a brand new Ford GAA V-8 engine and the option to mount either a 75mm, 76mm, or 105mm main gun. The M4A3 served in Normandy, and by the time the Battle of the Bulge had started it was the main version used by the US Army. The M4A3 (75) W Sherman was modeled and textured by Pointblank86.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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11.03.2010 21:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we bring you a very fast tank killer and a first for the FH2 mod team.

First up we have a brand new Allied tank-destroyer for our Normandy maps: The 76mm Gun Motor Carriage M18, or more commonly, the M18 Hellcat. Production began in July of 1943. Unlike the M10 tank destroyer, which used the chassis of the M4 Sherman, the M18 was designed completely from scratch to be a tank-destroyer. Its first taste of combat was in Italy, but the Hellcat also saw action in both north-west Europe, and in the Pacific. However, due to the poor quality of Japanese armor, the M18 was used in more of a fire support role.

Armed with a 76mm gun and powered by Wright R-975 engine, the Hellcat was the fastest tracked vehicle of World War II, with top speeds reaching 60 mph (97 kph). This proved especially useful when flanking German tanks, since most had a fairly slow turret traverse speed. The M18 did have some drawbacks though. Mainly, it had very thin armor and could not take on the heavier German tanks in head-to-head engagements. Its open top also left the 5-man crew not only exposed to grenades and shell fragments, but the weather as well. The M18 Hellcat was made by Pointblank86.

Next up, let us introduce to you what we hope will be a continuing series, the first Forgotten Hope 2 Dev Blog. Today's update focuses on one of the newer developers, spitfire05 and some of the new features he has coded for FH2. Enjoy!

Hey there. I'm Spitfire05. I joined the development team one and a half a months ago, and I mainly write python scripts and work on tweaking various code for FH2. I want to start this first dev blog by speaking of two new gameplay features.

With the next patch we'll be introducing a new gameplay change, called Spawnwaves. Originally brought up by developer Natty Wallo and inspired by the same BF1942 feature, many of our old timers will be familiar with this new addition. My hope is that this will add another layer of teamwork and immersion to FH2. The idea is to have the players spawn within the same general time frame and therefore boost the immersion and reinforce the idea that you're not alone on the battlefield.

The new spawnwave system is very simple. Basically, the server automatically counts down in pre-determined intervals (set by server admins). When this countdown reaches zero, everyone on your team (who is dead) will be given a window of 7 seconds to spawn. At which point, another countdown will begin and the process will repeat. In essence, the player will have to do nothing but wait, and will look 100% identical to the older BF1942 spawnwave feature.

Team Spawnpoints:
I've been working on another gameplay feature that's been implemented into the next patch. A team-spawnpoint system, also proposed by Natty Wallo. What this will allow our mappers to do, is to have an easy way to add spawnpoints usable for only one team, and another set of spawnpoints at that same flag that are only usable by the other team. A picture is worth a thousand word, so here's a simple demonstrative image.

My hope with this is to cut down on the amount of dummy flags on maps (which had to be used to achieve the same effect but was a lot more complex) and more importantly reduce the amount of spawn-camping on certain maps.

I hope you've enjoyed reading about these new mod components, and more-so, our first dev blog.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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03.03.2010 20:40 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we are showing off a brand new map for our Normandy theater, which was made by the newest addition to our developer team, Schism - RvtL.

Today we are bringing you screenshots of the map, Port en Bessin. Originally created by ctz and eventually handed over to Schism - RvtL, British commando forces must drive out the defending German troops to link-up with the Americans landing on Omaha Beach. Final touches to Port en Bessin were done by Natty Wallo.

The British 47 Royal Marine Commando landed on Gold Beach on D-Day. After advancing nine miles trough enemy territory they began their assault on the small harbor of Port-en-Bessin on June 7th.

Flanked by sheer cliffs and fortifications, laying between the Gold and Omaha beaches, Port-en-Bessin would not only serve as the link up point between the American and British sectors, but would also become the main port for allied fuel deliveries to Normandy until Cherbourg had been liberated. Opposing the Commandos was the German 352nd infantry division, the same unit that had wrecked havoc on the American troops at Omaha Beach a day before...

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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