ARCHIVES >>> 3/2006

27.03.2006 20:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Thise week we have more news on the development process of Forgotten Hope 2 as well as more maps from the upcoming Forgotten Hope Fan Mappack for Battlefield 1942™.

But before this we have some communitynews for you right from Forgotten Honor about their tournament for FH for Battlefiled 1942™. But read for yourself!

Campaign #4 "Frozen Iron" Enlist now!

We are about to embark on a new and exciting campaign, situated in the harsh Soviet motherland. With the Germans pushing hard for the heart of Russia, the increasingly well equipped Red Army is gathering strength to drive the Germans back.

The facts are:

  • You will become an essential cog in a war machine of huge proportions.
  • You will experience levels of teamwork beyond what you thought possible.
  • You will meet interesting people as dedicated to gaming and winning as you are! Even the lowliest members can become heroes standing on the shoulders of the titans that came before them.

Several key features are:

  • Massive 32 vs 32, 6 hour battles every week.
  • Totally new custom maps every week.
  • 2 Teams, 2 Armies, Divided in companies, dozens of unique players.
  • Complex Ranking system to get as close as possible to a real war zone.
  • Completely free, and open to anyone regardless of skill level.
  • Players from all over the world, you won't be alone no matter where your from!
  • A friendly user community, and forums teeming with activity.
  • Real user-to-user communication via Teamspeak.
  • Play on awesome public servers that are available anytime your ready.
  • Meet open-minded people, in a Tournament that is run by and for the players.

So what are you waiting for?

Join campaign #4 right now and become part of this epic battle for survival. From the hell of Stalingrad to the desolate frozen wastelands of the northern steppe, battles will rage to decide the futures of Russia and Germany. Enlist now! All are accepted, and come see what it is really like to be in a world of blood, a world of action, a world of...FORGOTTEN HONOR!

Back to the update. We have presented a lot of vehicles lately, so we thought it was high time to issue some more equipment to the infantry men. And since the infantry will need something to use on all these new vehicles, here is the 7.92 mm Panzerbüchse M39 anti-tank rifle. The Wehrmacht used this single-shot rifle, which had to be manually loaded, against lightly armored and unarmored vehicles. It was a very simple and reliable gun with little recoil, but was relatively ineffective against all but the least well-protected targets. It was modeled and skinned by McGibs. The uvmapping was done by SirFluffy

Second item for today goes out to German NCO's and officers -- a 9mm pistol that was introduced in 1938 and is still in service with the Bundeswehr, the Federal Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Walther P38 replaced the Luger P08 and it was revolutionary as it was the first locked-breech pistol to use a double-action trigger. It was modeled by Hail of Nails and skinned by McGibs.

Next we would like to add some information on the upcoming Forgotten Hope Fan Mappack for Battlefield 1942(tm)-- three more fan maps are for today. And the first Oscar goes to Road to Ramelle. Located on the banks of the Merderet River, The town of Ramelle, a fictional location you may remember from the movie Saving Private Ryan, is an important target for both Allied and German soldiers following the Allied landings at Utah and Omaha beaches on June 6th, 1944. The Germans need control of the village and its bridge to move armor up the Cotentin peninsula. in order to defend the port of Cherbourg, while the Allies need to prevent them. Road to Ramelle is an urban push map-mainly for infantry but with small quantities of Allied and German Armor, as well as the occasional air strike. This map was created by Bizness, and includes soldier skins by Hanley




The second map we would like to preview today, Operation Lilliput, has never before been released in an official Mappack. In this 1942 battle, Australian forces engaged the Japanese at the coastal village of Buna in New Guinea at the eastern end of the Kokoda trail. Although allied intelligence predicted small numbers of unprepared defenders, the allied attackers encountered a large force of well-fortified Japanese. This map was made by Real Bad-Seed, and also includes special Australian soldier skins made by Hanley. Operation Lilliput is a push map pitting Australian light armored forces against heavily fortified Japanese troops, in a swampy landscape, broken up by many streams and rivers.





The last map for today is Soletschnogorsk and it is new to the official Mappack as well. It takes place in November 1941, when elements of the German 2nd Panzer Division attacked the town of Soletschnogorsk, about 50km outside of Moscow. Soletschnogorsk is an objective-based map--your goals will be to destroy (or prevent the enemy from doing so) all Russian objectives (which are a radar hut, one T34 and three KV-1s) and capture (or to prevent the enemy from doing so) all control points on this special push map. Soletschnogorsk was made by former fanmapper Lili Marlene, who was assisted by Camel Nele, who helped the objective-mode coding, and Knoffhoff, who added the random helmet code and various stuff. Like our other fan maps this week, it features a special Wehrmacht skin by Hanley.





That's all for today, but be sure to come back next week for another Forgotten Hope update. Until then, feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or other news.

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20.03.2006 20:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. One week has passed and it's time again to show off some (eye) candy again. As you may already have guessed we have more information on the upcoming Forgotten Hope Fan Mappack for Battlefield 1942™ for you. But we would like to kick off the update with a bit of news on the development process of Forgotten Hope 2.

Starting off the update is a tank you have surely waited for since we announced Forgotten Hope 2. We are talking about the good old Sherman medium tank. No other tank was built in such great numbers by US factories. The production count of all M4 variants is more than 50,000 tanks! As most of the American tanks offerred for lend lease the M4 was given its name by the British for a famous American General from the American Civil War--Union General William Tecumseh Sherman.

The variant we would like to introduce now is the M4A1, designated as the Sherman II by British forces. It could reach a maximum speed of 37 km/h and with its 75mm M3 gun it posed a serious thread to any Axis tank, when it entered service in 1942. Over 6,000 M4A1s were produced. The Sherman II was modelled and skinned by OMNI.


As you can see we do not only have a render of the Sherman II for you. Lobo took the time to create a wallpaper. You can download the pack containing the wallpaper with different screensizes here.

Next item for today's news is the upcoming Forgotten Hope Fan Mappack for Battlefield 1942™. We would like to present 3 more fan maps, and for the first one we have Cretan Village that you may remember from the last release of the Fan Mappack. The fighting takes place in the summer of 1941. Northern Crete has fallen to an airborne assault by German Fallschirmjäger and Gebirgsjäger. Only pockets of British and Commonwealth resistance remain in the coastal villages on the south of the island. Fallschirmjäger are being parachuted in to mop up this Allied resistance, they must clear the island village by village. This map was created by Mr_Cheese.





The second map we would like to preview today, The Attack on Carentan, has never before been released in an official Mappack. American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division got orders to take this town, as it was the place where the main roads from Omaha and Utah beach coverged. The town was defended by the German 6th Fallschirmjäger regiment under command of Colonel von der Heydte. Besides having tough defenders, the town was also protected by the waters of the Douve River. The Germans opened the locks at a bridge in La Barquette making the river flood the already wet fields around the river. Causeway N13 and a few other places through shallow marsh were the only possible ways into the town for the 101st. This map was made by Pvt. Allen.





The last map for today is Fall Gelb and it is new to the official Mappack as well. General Erich von Manstein was the initiator of the Fall Gelb plan (Case Yellow). His aggressive plan was to break through the Allied center with the advantage of surprise, and speed, trap the forces to the north in a pocket, and head on to Paris. To ensure this, the German Army Group B got the order to attack through the Ardennes, to the south of the main Allied strength and close the trap. Fall Gelb features infantry armored and air combat, and was made by Jam and tweaked by Real-BadSeed.




We hope you enjoyed the information and we are grateful that you decided to stop by the site and check on our progress, be sure to stop by our public forums and discuss this news update.

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13.03.2006 20:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. As happenned last week we have something to show for both Forgotten Hope and Forgotten Hope 2 today. And luckily for you, today's news update will be a continuation of the pace we set last week for a short burst of speed.

We would like to start with some new stuff for Forgotten Hope 2 before we continue the preview of the next Fan Mappack for Forgotten Hope for Battlefield 1942™. To start with, we have two different versions of German antitank mines for you. The Tellermine 35 and the Tellermine 43, were both created entirely by renaissance modder ctz. The Tellermine 35 was introduced by the Wehrmacht in December 1935 and contained 5kg of explosive while having a total weight of 9.4 kg. A minimum of 90 kg of pressure was needed to activate the mine. For successor models, like the Tellermine 43(which was introduced in March 1943) this value had been increased to 210 kg as experience showed that the lower activation weight often resulted in premature detonation.

As almost 10 kg per mine means a lot of baggage, so for footsore German engineers a ride is always welcome. And which vehicle could do this job any better than the Sdkfz 251 "Hanomag" armoured personnel carrier? Starting development in 1937, the Hanomag was destined to become a workhorse APC in support of the Wehrmacht's highly mobile theories of war. Its primary purpose was to carry infantry into battle, but it was adapted for many other roles, including that of an antitank vehicle, a carrier of rocket artillery, and as a prime mover. The basic version carried one or two machine guns and had room for a squad of infantry. This is the version we show today, the SdKfz 251/1 Ausf C, which was modeled and skinned by K96, normalmapped by Rad and coded by ctz.


Furthermore we have additional news about the upcoming Fan Mappack for Forgotten Hope for Battlefield 1942™. Today we'd like to present three of the maps it will include. The first is Nuenen-1944, which was a selection from the the last Mappack. To give you a little background on the map: Nuenen was the scene of one of the many actions that made up Operation Market Garden. Late in the afternoon of September 20th the British 44th Royal Tank Regiment, backed up by American paratroopers of the 101st airborne division attacked the town Nuenen, in pursuit of retreating Geman forces. Unknown to the Allies, the defending German 107th panzerbrigade had just been reinforced, resulting in heavy fighting. Nuenen-1944 was made by mArs.




The second map we would like to preview today, Kiew, has never before been released in an official Mappack. This is a semi-fictional map that takes place during the huge 1941 operation that resulted in the capture of Kiev and the largest encirclemant of Soviet troops during the war. While German and Soviet troops are battling around the city of Kiev, German Fallschirmjägers drop behind Russian lines into an industrial district, to seize valuable assets before Soviet authorities can either remove or destroy them. Their mission is to secure the area ahead of the advancing ground troops, and the Red Army must do everything to stop them. Kiew is a mainly infantry map, and was made by former fan mapper, and now FH developer Lili Marlene .





The last map for today is Todtenbruch and it is new to the official Mappack as well. After suffering heavy casualties, following the 1944 Allied landings in Normandy, German forces had to retreat. In order to prevent Allied forces from entering German soil, they fell back to the fortified positions of the Westwall. On September 20th, the advancing American forces made contact with the German defensive line at the north western edge of Todtenbruch (Deadman's Moor). Todtenbruch, which was made by Knoffhoff is push map which features some special items like a camo helmet skin and an all new German egg grenade, modeled by Arisaka and skinned by Mr.Cheese.





We would like to thank for stopping by and would be glad to see you agai next week when it's time for another update. If you would like to discuss this one you are welcome to do so in our public forums.

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05.03.2006 23:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we do have something to show for Forgotten Hope and Forgotten Hope 2. And as the last updates were rather short, today's news update will be something of a change of pace (but don't get too excited, this won't happen every week). But enough of long-winded introduction - time to unveil what we have got!

Usually you should save the best for the end. The exception proves the rule. And for that reason we start with a bang:
The Forgotten Hope Developer Team proudly presents a world premiere - the first working submarine for Battlefield 2™! Enjoy the hidden menace of the U47, created and Messiha and Lobo, a Type VII B uboat whose story we have already told in an earlier update.




Another boat of this class was the U48, the most succesful German submarine of World War II which sunk 51 ships for a total of 306,875 GRT (gross tons) and 1 warship for a total of 1,060 tons. Unusually, it was one of the few submarines whose fate was to be scuttled and not sunk. One of the reasons for the high rate of uboat loss is our next item of interest for today.

The Fairey Swordfish torpedo bomber used by the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy until 1945 although it was already outdated in 1939. Despite its antique desgn, this biplane achieved some spectacular successes during the war. The most known event happened in May 1941 when a Swordfish torpedo hit the rudder of the German battleship Bismarck disabling its steering mechanism and thereby allowing the Royal Navy to intercept the Bismarck and sink this battleship. The Fairey Swordfish was modeled and skinned by Lobo. It was coded and normal-mapped byctz, who also created the Swordfish's 18-inch Mark XII torpedo.




You thought that would be it for today? Nope. We also, at last, have news about the upcoming Fan Mappack Version 6 for Forgotten Hope for Battlefield 1942™ for you. Today we'd like to present two of the maps it will include. The first is Tulagi Island, which you should remember since Mappack #3. It takes place in 1942 and, although the landings on Guadalcanal took the bulk of the ships and Marines of the Operation "Watchtower" invasion force, the assault on the small Japanese-held islands to the north produced by far the heaviest fighting. Tulagi--site of the British Solomon Islands' pre-war colonial center--and the nearby Tanambogo-Gavutu seaplane base were garrisoned by tough Japanese Special Naval Landing Force troops. There was to be no easy win for the American GIs. Tulagi was made by Real-BadSeed.





The second map we would like to preview today, Stashuv Area-1944, has never before been released in an official Mappack. This map takes place in the vicinity of Staszow, Poland, where the first King Tigers in service on the Eastern front saw action! Heavy armor battles took place between 11th and 13th of August 1944 involving Germany´s Schwere Panzerabteilung 502 and several Soviet tank battalions. In August, the retreating German forces were dug-in on the border between Poland and Belorussia in an attempt to delay the advancing Red Army. If they could hold their ground for long enough the German defenders expected to be reinforced by men and tanks of the SchwerePzAbt.502, which would enable them to launch a counter-attack. This is a push map - capture the flags in their numbered order, it takes 2 men to capture every flag. Stashuv Area-1944 was made by former fan mapper, and now FH developer Lili Marlene .






We hope you enjoyed the news and we are grateful that you decided to stop by the site and check on our progress, be sure to stop by our public forums and discuss today's news update.

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