ARCHIVES >>> 3/2005

28.03.2005 21:00 GMT

Some time has passed since our last news update. But today we can say once more "Welcome back folks to this weekend's news update". Although there is not any mod development progress to show today we have several community updates for you. We have news about ongoing tournaments as well as information about fan map projects that will bring you great battles in the near future

First of all we have the latest word on two Forgotten Hope Tournaments for you.

Battle for Europe - World at War has started round #10 lately and every player is welcome to join the battle. For anyone who does not know about BFE: WaW, here is a quick description:
BFE - World at War is a tournament-style campaign game for Forgotten Hope. Unlike a clan ladder or other online tournaments, World at War players will participate in a simulated war, complete with commanding officers, divisions, and a grand strategy map showing the progress of the war from week to week. Think of it as a cross between a strategy board game and a first-person shooter, where you can immerse yourself in realistic WW2 environments and experience the results of strategic decisions between battles.


All Portuguese-speaking players are invited to join the recently started campaign #2 of Batalha Pela Europa. This tournament is also trying to replay the events of WW2 in a historically accurate way.


The first fan map project to introduce today is With this project the initiators want to give mappers the chance to present their work to the whole community. And with their game server they intend to provide a place where you can play these maps.
This site is supposed to be the home for everything that has to do with Forgotten Hope custom maps. This is a place where mappers can exchange their experiences and where the players can post their wishes and opinions. As you will notice their project still is in its early stages. But with your help they can make it a great asset for the Forgotten Hope Community.

So check out their site and feel free to post what you hope to see from the independent mappers of the Forgotten Hope community.


The custom map scene is growing at the moment. Another project coming up is the Forgotten Hope Community Map Pack. The FHCMP developers are currently working on a custom map pack that will bring not-yet-seen battles to your PC. You are welcome to send in your map or help out with ongoing projects if you wish.

Check out their site and feel free to help in the map developing progress.


And last but not least we have news about the official Fan Map Pack #2. We know it took longer than expected but finally we have a release date for you. The Fan Map Pack will be available for you and your favorite game server on Saturday, April 8th, 2005 at 20:00 GMT. Be sure to grab your copy and join in the new battles coming up in Finland, France, Russia and Burma.

That's all for today folks but be sure to come back next weekend for another news update, to see the latest developments about the mod. Feel free to discuss today's update in our public forums.

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11.03.2005 20:12 GMT

BUG$ is called away by other responsibilities today, so I am filling in for today's update. We were a little late on the release time, due to technical difficulties, sorry about that, folks.

But you aren't interested in that, anyway, you want the Hotfix!

Forgotten Hope 0.67 to 0.67A Hotfix--Client:
- Amped DX
- Crack Smoking Monkeys
- DFA BF Clan
- Filefront
- Fileplanet
- GameSpot DLX
- Gau-PC
- Rushman
- VOLT Online

Forgotten Hope 0.67 to 0.67A Hotfix--Server:
- Amped DX
- Crack Smoking Monkeys
- DFA BF Clan
- Filefront
- Fileplanet
- GameSpot DLX
- Gau-PC
- VOLT Online

Do not forget, you need to already have version 0.67 of Forgotten Hope for the Hotfix to work. If you already have version 0.67 installed, just run the 0.67A Hotfix installer and follow its instructions.

If you do not have 0.67 installed you must install it over version 0.65 or 0.66 before you apply the hotfix. If you have any version of Forgotten Hope before 0.65, you will need to remove those versions and install 0.65, then install 0.67, and finally apply the hotfix.

You can find download links for the 0.65 full install of Forgotten Hope and the 0.67 patch here.

Late Breaking News! Norwegian Resistance Mini-Mod Released!

Norwegian Resistance, based on the bitter fighting and events which happened in Norway during the Second World War, is releasing it's first beta. Norwegian Resistance is an an add-on mod to Forgotten Hope that requires Forgotten Hope 0.67 or later in order to play. The mod depicts the fighting in Norway that took place between Norwegian resistance fighters and the Axis occupation forces following the 1940 invasion of Norway. The mod features new maps, models, skins, and most importantly, a new army: the Norwegian Resistance. More details are available from their website.

Norwegian Resistance 0.85 full Client (301 mb):
- Rushman

Norwegian Resistance 0.85 linux/windows server zip-file(15,4 mb):

Norwegian Resistance 0.85 linux server tar-file (21 mb) :

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08.03.2005 20:30 GMT

Hello and welcome back for another news update of the Forgotten Hope Mod. As you know we released the latest version two days ago and it was a pleasure to see that there have been so many downloads already. The first rounds of the final version of 0.67 with all of you out there were really fun, although some of us thought we should spend more time on training--in order not to get shot so often by fans.

But it was not without some significant defects, as you might already know.Due to some last-minute distractions and server issues, a few major bugs managed to conceal their unwanted presence in the final version of 0.67. Thanks to all the feedback from the community we have been able to track down and eliminate the most serious ones.

Now that is done we are working on a hotfix for 0.67. This hotfix should be delivered to your favorite website by Friday evening.

Forgotten Hope 0.67a Server/Client (Hotfix): March, 11th at 2000 GMT

We apologize for the problems that appeared with Forgotten Hope 0.67 but hope you have had fun anyway. Be sure to check out Friday's newsupdate to be get your fix for Forgotten Hope 0.67. And feel free to stop by our public forums to discuss this update. And remember that the Teamspeakserver is available 24 hours a day - and with a little luck you might find a dev who can answer some questions. ;)

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06.03.2005 20:00 GMT

What you have been waiting for these last two months, your fondest desire has finally come true! Grab the Forgotten Hope 0.67 patch now!

If you downloaded the file via bittorrent (~500 users downloading via torrent atm - just for info) you might look up the password here.

Forgotten Hope 0.65/0.66 to 0.67 Client (patch):
- Bittorrent by  
- Amped DX
- Boomtown
- bwfore Japan  
- DFA BF-Clan  
- Filefront
- Filefront #2
- Fileplanet
- Fileshack
- FHNation  
- Forgotten Honor Tournament  
- Forgotten Mods  
- Teletubbiez Clan
- VOLT Online  

And once your download is finished feel free to join up the server sponsored by

Regenbogenkä FH0.67FINA @

Do not forget to download the new music created by Maik Bredlow here.

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06.03.2005 18:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back folks! It's release time - at least for the serverversion. Make sure to check back at 2000GMT to grab the clientfile ;)

Finally here are the links to the promised Serverfiles for 0.67:

Linux & Windows Serverfile 0.67 (full):
- Amped DX
- Boomtown
- DFA BF Clan  
- FHNation  
- Fileplanet
- Fileshack
- Forgotten Mods  
- GAU PC  
- Serverstall  
- VOLT Online  

Good news already for all the gamers out there:
We already have at least one gameserver running for you provided by

Regenbogenkä FH0.67FINA @

Do not forget that you are already able to start the download of Forgotten Hope 0.67 via Bittorrent:

- Bittorrent Download Link

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06.03.2005 17:00 GMT

What a dilemma! Exams or Forgotton Hope...Forgotton Hope or exams?!?

The last few days have been hellish. Last minute betatesting, coding the homepage, checking stuff here and there and all the while spicing it up with my studies in international management. The lack of sleep I've gotten the past few days and I might find myself writing an essay about the Allied Lend Lease program on my economics exam!

We experienced our own logistical challenges in the blitzkrieg to get 0.67 to you as soon as possible and in working order. A number of crashbugs surfaced in the waning hours of testing and an ftp nightmare led us to rely on good old-fashioned post mail! Thanks go to our sponsor Flüstertüte from his timely cooperation. We've done all the dirty work so...

How to install 0.67...

The 0.67 release of Forgotten Hope is an Incremental Patch, which means it's required that you have Version 0.65 of Forgotten Hope installed or Version 0.66 before installing the 0.67 file. If you have either of these versions, just run the 0.67 installer and follow its instructions.

If you do not have 0.65 or 0.66 installed you must install 0.65 before you do anything else; however, if you have any version of Forgotten Hope before 0.65, you will need to remove those versions before you install 0.65. To install 0.65, you will need WinRAR to extract the file.
Enter the password to unlocking the file. The file installs just like every other file. Forgotten Hope 0.65 is broken up into three separate installers, install them in order by double clicking the icon. Once you have done this you're all set to go to install 0.67!

If you haven't downloaded the 0.65 files here are the links for the installer.

I hope you won't have any problems with installing Forgotten Hope 0.67 once you are ready for it.

Forgotten Hope 0.67 update is being distributed to the several hosters at the moment. My pulse has gone down to 150 again and I think all of us will be totally wasted for the next two weeks. And you? Well - I think you will be happy in 3 hours from now that the new version is finally ready for download. At least if one of us manages not fall asleep before we can post the downloadlinks.

In the meantime you can check the changelog to see which improvements found their way into the new version. Forgotten Hope will feature new music for our loader and menu screens. We are grateful to Maik Bredlow who did a great job for his unique soundtrack. You might download the mp3 files here as a preview.

And now - I need a break. Cya in a few when the server links will be published followed by the client links only a little bit later.

And last but not least we have the Bittorrent pre-release for you. Please note that this file is password protected. The required password will be published at 2000 GMT with the client download links:

- Bittorrent Download Link

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04.03.2005 00:00 GMT

As you might know some members of the Forgotten Hope Mod have gotten busy with real life issues like studies, school, jobs and whatever. But as our goals are as ambitious as ever we are looking for talented modders that can help us out with developing Forgotten Hope and making it even better as it already is. If you feel that your abilities would be a valuable addition to the team because of you might want to contact ArminAce by mail containing some examples of your work.

We are interested in almost everything but especially in animations and coding (programming skills in C++, Python etc. preferred). If your abilities do not lie within our "special applications" don't be shy to contact us anyway. People with outstanding abilities are always welcome to apply.

But please be honest to yourself about your abilities, as we do not want to disappoint you if you don't make it into the Forgotten Hope Development Team. Applicants must be able to work as part of a team, take criticism, and also to work independently. But if you are really confident about your work don't lose any time and send your application in today.

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