ARCHIVES >>> 2/2005

28.02.2005 14:00 GMT

This is an urgent note. As you might know from our public forums we moved server within and it seems there was trouble with the date and time settings. For that reason the announced releasedate is wrong.

We already hear you crying: "OMG!"

But actually this is good news and not bad ones for you as the releasedate should be the following:

Forgotten Hope 0.67 Linux Server (Full): March, 6th at 1800 GMT
Forgotten Hope 0.67 Windows Server (Full): March, 6th at 1800 GMT
Forgotten Hope 0.67 Windows Client (Update from 0.65 or 0.66): March, 6th at 2000 GMT

We apologize for any inconvenience and as a redress we have a stunning Wallpaper for you made by Rad.

B17 Flying Fortress

Hope you enjoyed the news and cya sunday ;)

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28.02.2005 00:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back for another update of the Forgotten Hope Mod. There were many rumours flying around last week and many of you were probably wondering what was going on. Before revealing any news we would like to shed some light on recent issues and show that there is nothing to be concerned about.

During the time Forgotten Hope and Merciless Creations were working together, Merciless contributed some content to Forgotten Hope. When Merciless stopped working with Forgotten Hope, they gave permission for FH to continue using the content they had added, with no time limit specified.

Now MC has asked that Forgotten Hope stop using their content. Forgotten Hope has agreed to do so by time of the release of FH 0.7. Merciless has indicated that they are willing to help us by providing a detailed list of what they want removed. The Forgotten Hope team has already begun our own process of identifying and removing this material.

A lot more has happened in the last few days as well, so we have some more community information for you. First of all we received a message from leader Jacob who informed us a new version of the Forgotten Hope Movie Edition has been released. Basically, vehicles have been outfitted with extra positions that allow cool camera angles that stay in the same relation to the vehicle at all times. You might want to have a look at it here and maybe it will help you can make a cool movie with this clever Minimod. The Forgotten Hope Team would like to thank the members for the great addition.

After the good news for our directors and cameramen we have good news for all Portuguese-speaking players. Batalha pela Europa is a Brazilian tournament that is looking for players. But read yourself:

Batalha pela Europa is a war (on-line) fought by Allies and Axis on many different maps (the maps will represent a World War Two
campaign). The battle times are already scheduled, you don't need to pay to play, the registration is free. All you have to do is to show interest, register and play with the other members of your army for the final goal.

The second edition of the biggest Brazilian organized tournament is about to kick off and you can participate.

Batalha pela Europa #2 is a simulation of World War Two, organized by the tournament portal, Batalha pelo Mundo, using the popular DICE game Battlefield 1942, with the award-winning Forgotten Hope modification. With the pure essence of teamwork, action on first person view and specific strategies. You may fight as Axis defending the Normandy beaches, invade Italy with Brazilians, attack Berlin with Russian tanks, and much more.

* Fight with your men and grow through the ranks.
* Win medals and badges by dedication, claw, and teamwork.
* Be a member of an air, infantry or armor company.
* Fight on more than 100 custom maps all over the planet.

If you are interested give their site a visit at

More community news comes from the German FH community. Although seemed to have shrunk to only a forum they are now working on their new, updated homepage and are searching for volunteers who might help with research, coding, translation (as a multilingual website is planned) etc. If you are interested send them a note on their forums in English or German.

Finally we have an update about our own progress for you. As you might have noticed we have a completely new, hopefully up to date homepage for you. It was a long project taking almost 4 month and now the time for release has come. I would like to thank all my helpers. First of all, I want to thank StrangerThanFiction, because without him all of this would not have been possible. He did an amazing job on the graphics and deservers more than just a thank you. If we ever meet in RL, I owe you at least a dozen beers.

Also I would like to thank Rad and Lobo who were both more than diligent in creating render images and thumbnails for the pages and as you can imagine it was a huge job with all the handweapons and vehicles. Hartmann was a great help with checking vehicle and weapon values so that I was able to collect all the necessary information. Actually I have to thank the whole team for all the inspiration and ideas as well as for the help in correcting all my mistakes and adding their many languages to the page (to name them here Zero, Turbo_Tiger, Malsa, Lobo, Lude, Taranov and from the fans Breaker, Maximilian Weisemann, Orange and Frederiker). There are still some things missing so we were only able to launch with 3 languages in addition to English so expect more to come soon.

We hope you will enjoy all the new features and if there are any errors or additions (like more Fanmaps p.e.) feel free to email BUG$ about the issue.
[Note from STF: BUG$ forgot to thank himself for his many long hours creating an amazingly flexible, and updateable database and page system, collecting and entering a huge body of information for the site, as well as coordinating all the translations.]

Now all the general information are shown we would like to reveal some more of our mod development progress. First thing to show is a new map created by Turbo_Tiger. Across the western edge of the Ardennes massif runs the Meuse River. This river, throughout history, has been the natural line of resistance against an enemy advancing from east to west over the Belgian highlands. Within forty-eight hours of the launching of the 1944 Ardennes Offensive the Allied high command diagnosed the enemy intent as that of driving to the Meuse in the vicinity of Liege. You may take part in the battle on the side of the Allies to stop the invading forces or join the German attack to cross the river.




And last but not least, the most interesting bit of information for you. As you might have already read in the forums, Forgotten Hope 0.67 is almost done. Actually we need only to complete a bit more testing before we distribute the new version to you, in the coming week. But before we talk too much - here are the release time for Forgotten Hope Mod version 0.67:

Forgotten Hope 0.67 Linux Server (Full): March, 8th at 1800 GMT
Forgotten Hope 0.67 Windows Server (Full): March, 8th at 1800 GMT
Forgotten Hope 0.67 Windows Client (Update from 0.65 or 0.66): March, 8th at 2000 GMT

NOTE: FH 0.65 is at least required! FH 0.66 will do fine!  FH 0.67 is only a patch!!

Anyone who wants to provide us with a mirror is welcome to contact ArminAce via email ( with the subject "Want to provide FH Mirror". The more mirrors we have the better. So don't lose any time. Release is close.

Be sure to check out tomorrow's newsupdate to be able to get your copy of Forgotten Hope 0.67 And feel free to stop by our public forums to discuss this one. And rember that the Teamspeakserver is available 24h a day - and with a little luck you might find a dev who can answer some questions. ;)

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20.02.2005 22:00 GMT

Welcome back folks for today's news update revealing some more new stuff for the East Front. First, some equipment for our Russian comrades: the RPG 43 antitank grenade modeled by OMNI and skinned by StrangerThanFiction. This item will be a welcome addition to the existing RDG 33, and will help the Russians to keep the panzers away.

Furthermore we have a new battleground for you from an area that is well known from another map already within the mod. Kharkov Winter is on of the maps you have already enjoyed for several versions but as the Ukrainian city of Kharkov was the scene of numerous battles, we decided to bring you another map depicting a clash in this area. Kharkov Winter represents fighting in the early months of 1942 when Russian and German troops fought for the control of the city following the battle of Stalingrad. The new map Kharkov Outskirts, created by ArminAce, takes place in summer 1943 when the Russian offensive following the battle of Kursk was just getting started. The last battle for Kharkov rages and you will decide which side will win!







That's all for today folks. Feel free to stop by our public forums and discuss this update. The tests of our current internal version are going well, so be sure to give us a visit next week for more updates of your favorite modification.

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13.02.2005 22:00 GMT

Hello folks for today's news update. For this update we aren't showing any vehicles, maps or weapons but rather some nice statics that will bring even more atmosphere to Forgotten Hope. First of all, we have new French buildings, which you might have noticed on the screenshots for the new Battle of Foy already. These were created by Malsa, and as you can see by the number of buildings, he has been quite busy lately.

And now we want to bring you - especially mArs (you should remember him as winner of the mapcontest from which the maps will be coming to you soon) - the first part of the Fanmappack #2 prize. The Russian Orthodox church made by Malsa will adorn some upcoming East Front maps and is a real piece of art.

And there will be more stuff to enhance the East Front atmosphere. Don't say "Good bye Lenin" - wave hello instead to Lobo's new model.

We hope you enjoyed the news. Feel welcome to discuss this news in our public forums and be sure to give us a visit for the next news update from the Forgotten Hope Mod.

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06.02.2005 22:00 GMT

"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot, nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell." - by Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

Welcome back for a news update that's nothing new at first glance but actually has much to offer on the second. The Sherman M4A1 saw extensive action with both American and British armoured forces. To show you how much effort is needed to add a new vehicle to the Mod we want to describe to you the many steps that were required to add the M4A1 to the Forgotten Hope arsenal.

First of all detailed information and diagrams about the vehicle have to be found. That's where Taranov, our researcher goes into action. With his info, a modeller gets to work - this time OMNI made the model. After every detail of the finished model was checked over by Taranov it went to Lude who finished the wheels and then gave it to Montoya (after another check) for setting up the animations and exporting the tracks.

At this point, McGibs went to work on the skins, which were in turn checked for historical accuracy. Finally the whole thing was handed over to to Major Hartmann who coded the vehicle and brought it ingame with the correct values, and voila, the Sherman M4A1 will be available within the next release of Forgotten Hope (and now BUG$ is presenting the finished vehicle in the news.)


But, as promised last week, this update is going to be a little bigger. We have another version of the M4 Sherman ready to see action. Taranov, OMNI, Lude, Montoya, McGibs and Hartmann were involved with creation of the Sherman M4A1 76 mm, an upgunned version of the M4A1 that was a more credible threat to the heavier German tanks.

Last but not least we have something that wasn't ready with the updates before: The loading screen of the map Battle of Foy made by ArminAce. And one bit of interesting info. The Forgotten Hope mini-mod Norwegian Resistance managed it to create a nice snow effect and allowed us to use it. So prepare for battling the weather as well as enemies in Foy.

We hope you enjoyed the news and got a better idea of the mod development process. Feel welcome to discuss this news in our public forums and be sure to give us a visit for the next news update from the Forgotten Hope Mod.

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