ARCHIVES >>> 1/2010

08.01.2010 18:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today is the day that you've all been waiting for. The release of 2.25 is finally upon us. We are bringing to you the password for the pre-release torrent file and the download link for the regular installer that you've all been waiting for. But before that, please give a big thank you to all the developers and beta-testers of the FH2 mod team. These last few months have been filled with triumph and tears, but in the end this has been the fastest release to date in Forgotten Hope 2 history. Without the hard work of many talented people, and the unconditional loyalty of our fans, this release would not have been possible.

So, without any further delay, the password for the 2.25 torrent file is:


Installation Instructions

To help you through the process of installing Forgotten Hope 2.25, we've prepared some step-by-step instructions. There is only one file required to play 2.25, and an additional two files if you plan to host a dedicated server or if you have a modified version of Forgotten Hope 2.2. First, you have the passworded torrent file. There is only a patch available for 2.25 (814MB). If you do not have FH2 installed at all, or have to re-install 2.2, then you will have to download both the patch and the full-installer for 2.2 (2.7GB). These files are in .rar format and you will need a program such as win-rar to extract the installation file.

After extracting the installer just open the file and it should guide you through the rest of the installation. Just remember, if you downloaded the patch, make sure you have an unedited version of Forgotten Hope 2.2 installed (custom maps are not a problem).

If you've downloaded the files without the password (you will find links to these files below) then you must also first extract the installers from their .zip archives. The program win-rar can also open these files. Once extracted, just run the files and the installer should take you through the rest of the installation. Visit the Downloads Section for a list of download mirrors or click on one below.

Forgotten Hamsters

Forgotten Hope 2.25 Client Torrent
Forgotten Hope 2.25 Client Files
Forgotten Hope 2.25 Server Files

Once again, we would like to thank all those fans who voted FH2 into the top 100 mods of 2009 for the Mod of the Year Awards. The second phase of voting has begun however, and we urge all of you to vote! But remember, if you register with the website, your vote will count for more. You can click on the link below to vote for FH2.

Mod of the Year Awards: Vote for FH2

On a final note, we would like to thank all the fans for their love and support of this great mod. We hope you enjoy the new patch and have some good times while playing. If you have any questions about the torrent, the installer, or Forgotten Hope 2.25 in general, you can always join us on our IRC channel, Teamspeak 2 channel (IP: or our public forums and will we do our best to help you out.

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07.01.2010 22:45 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today's update, although small in quantity, is big in quality. We bring to you the trailer for 2.25 made by one of FH2's betatesters. We also have a download link for both the pre-release torrent file and the dedicated server files in case you missed them.

First up we have a trailer for the upcoming 2.25 patch made by betatester Zrix. A big thanks to him for creating this video on such short notice. You can either view the video below, or directly on YouTube by clicking here.

Next up we have download links for the torrent file and the server files in case you missed them in yesterday's update. You can get them by clicking on the links below.

Download the Forgotten Hope 2.25 Pre-Release Torrent
Download the Forgotten Hope 2.25 Server Files

We will release the password for the pre-release torrent file on Friday at 18:00 UTC. If you have any questions about the torrent, the installer or Forgotten Hope 2.25 in general, you can always join us on our IRC channel, Teamspeak 2 channel (IP: or our public forums and will we do our best to help you out.

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06.01.2010 23:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we are bringing you the download link for the pre-release torrent files and the dedicated server files as well. Also in today's update are a couple of renders of some last minute equipment for both the Germans and the Americans. Finally, we will be listing some of the highlights included in the up and coming patch, as well as releasing the full changelog for 2.25.

Before we get on with the update, we would like to announce that the first round of the Mod of the Year Awards are over. We are pleased to announce that Forgotten Hope 2 is the ONLY Battlefield 2 mod that made it to the top 100 mods. A big thank you to all who voted. However, the second round of voting has begun. You can click on the MOTY logo below to vote for FH2, however it is important to note that if you register with the website your vote will count more.

First up, we have the passworded torrent file. You will not be able to extract the necessary files until Friday, January 8th when the password is released. In order to download this file, you will need to use a bittorrent client. We recommend one such as uTorrent.

The following file contains the client files needed to properly play Forgotten Hope version 2.25. If you have an unmodified version of 2.2, then you will need to only download the 2.25 patch (814MB). However, if you have don't have FH2 installed at all, or if you have a modified installation, you will have to download the 2.2 full installer from the downloads page as well (2.7GB). If you do not wish to download the torrent file, a regular .exe file will be available for download on Friday.

Download the Forgotten Hope 2.25 Pre-Release Torrent

We also have the server files for those who wish to host their own dedicated FH2 server. If you do not plan to do this, you do not need to download these files.

Download the Forgotten Hope 2.25 Server Files

Up next we have a brand new handweapon for the German soldiers serving in Normandy. Not only was the shovel an effective tool for digging foxholes and trenches, it was often used in extreme cases of close-quaters, hand-to-hand combat. The German shovel was made by Zero.

On to the next render, we have another highly requested piece of American equipment. The GMC 6x6 truck. The 'Deuce and a Half' as it was often called, is an Allied cargo truck, that saw action all across World War II. It came in many forms, with the simplest form having an open or closed cab. Players will be able to find this truck in 2.25 in both the cargo and ammunition carrier versions. The GMC truck was modeled by Mange, skinned by Rad and Toddel, and the wheels were done by Remdul.

Lastly, we would like to recap on some of major updates that you can expect to see in 2.25.

-Four new maps
-New Zealand Army
-New American fighter planes
-British Crusader Mk. III AA tank
-American 105mm Howitzer
-British Bedford QL Truck
-Panzergrau re-skins

Finally, we have the full changelog for those who wish to see all of the changes that have been done over the past few months.

Download the changelog here

We will release the password for the pre-release torrent file on Friday at 18:00 UTC. If you have any questions about the torrent, the installer or Forgotten Hope 2.25 in general, you can always join us on our IRC channel, Teamspeak 2 channel (IP: or our public forums and will we do our best to help you out.

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03.01.2010 22:30 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we are announcing the release date for the highly anticipated 2.25 patch which will continue to build upon our initial Normandy release. We also have three more Panzergrau re-skins and screenshots of the final map to be included in 2.25.

Forgotten Hope 2.25 Release Date!

And now the announcement you've all been waiting for! After 5 months of development, we are proud to bring you the news that Forgotten Hope 2.25 will be released on Friday, January 8th, 2010 at 18:00 UTC. We will be releasing the torrent and server files on Wednesday, January 6th.

Before we move on, let us remind you that the first phase of the Mod of the Year Awards are still going on. We urge everyone to click on the MOTY logo below and vote for us! And remember, if you register with the website, your vote will count for even more.

Now on to the actual update. Today we have some screenshots of the map Anctoville which was created by Otolikos with the finishing touches done by Natty Wallo. It is on this map that players will be able to find our brand new rain effect as well, which was created byBenseras and tweaked by Remdul.

12th June 1944. British forces are advancing on Caen. In their path stands the seemingly harmless village of Anctoville. In the morning, as the rain pours down, they enter the village unaware of what awaits them. As they appear among the houses, the German defenders open fire. In the following fight the British forces must secure the village and outskirts to allow reinforcements to reach Caen. The Germans must hold this vital location to prevent the Allies' advance.

Finally, we have even more renders of the Panzergrau ('armor gray') paint scheme that we have been showing the past few weeks. This week we have the Panzer IIIJ Early, the SdKfz 251/1 Ausf. C 'Hanomag' halftrack, and the Granatwerfer 34 mortar. These re-skins were all done by Toddel.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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