ARCHIVES >>> 1/2009

27.01.2009 00:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. This week we have a couple of old World War 1 Enfield rifles both for Africa and Normandy and some in game screenshots of the Hawker Typhoon.

Mod of the Year Awards

Before we carry on with the news, we would like to mention the ModDB mod of the year awards one more time. It's just a week until the polls close, so if you haven't voted for us yet, we would really appreciate it if you did so now. You can vote for us on our ModDB page.

Click here to visit Forgotten Hope 2's ModDB page

For our news today then we have first 2 old Enfield rifles; the Pattern 14 Rifle (or Enfield No3) and the M1917 Enfield. Both these rifles were modeled and skinned by Seth Soldier.

Early in the 20th century, the British army began to have doubts about its main service rifle, the Enfield No1. Believing the rounds to be too weak, the Pattern 13 rifle was developed with a .276 calibre cartridge. This proved to be a generally bad idea, as the recoil and wear on the barrel were too heavy. As the First World War began, the need for more rifles forced the British Army to change the calibre of the rifle back to the standard .303, resulting in the Pattern 14 Rifle. Nearly all these rifles were produced by commercial manufacturers in the United States, as the British industry was already running at full capacity. Although most of the Pattern 14 rifles were used to equip the British Home Guard in the Second World War, many were used as sniper rifles before being replaced by the Enfield No4.

As the United States entered the war in 1917, it too was in serious need of more rifles. Rather than forcing all factories to change production, the Pattern 14 design was simply altered to use the .30-06 Springfield cartridge and the M1917 Enfield rifle was born. Over 2 million of these rifles were produced and many continued to serve with US troops well into the Second World War. This rifle was common among US artillerymen and Free French Soldiers in North Africa, but even in Normandy, these rifles were used by supply and artillery troops.

Up next is the Hawker Typhoon. We've already shown the render of this mighty plane in a previous update, so without a long and boring historical background, enjoy the view from the cockpit and the screenshots of the rocketphoon on a French airfield on a dark and cloudy day. The Typhoon was of course made by Agus.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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19.01.2009 03:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. In this 3rd update of the year we are going to take a look at some more allied weapons of war; more specifically - American ones. First up, we have a whole collection of Shermans for both the Americans and the British, then we have a few American mines and finally, a smoking hot new weapon that will come in handy for taking out those tough German bunkers on the beaches of Normandy. Before we begin though, we would like to welcome PointBlank86 to our development team. Both a modeler and skinner PointBlank86 made the final weapons in today's update.

Mod of the Year Awards

Before we go over to the renders a little announcement first. The ModDB mod of the year awards have moved on to the second phase. The votes from the previous two weeks have been counted and the 100 mods with the most votes are moving on the the second and final round of voting. At the end of this phase the winners will be announced. Forgotten Hope 2 is one of those 100 mods, so first, we would like to thank everyone who voted for us. Secondly, we would like to ask you to please vote for us again in this last phase. You can vote for us on our ModDB page like last time.

Click here to visit Forgotten Hope 2's ModDB page

On then to the renders! We are starting today with renders of three unique Shermans, each with an American and a British texture. On the left you see the American Shermans and on the Right the British ones. Note that although each version has a different model, this is only the M4A1 Sherman, later we will add other Sherman versions as well! These Shermans were all modeled by Omni, skinned by Omni, Montoya, and Toddel and coded by Kev4000.

At first glance all three Shermans models appear to be identical, with randomly placed baggage and a special hedgerow cutter, but they are in fact all different types of the M4A1. Studying the renders will give away the differences. The Shermans have different gun mantlets, different road wheels, two of the Shermans have armour plates (protecting the ammunition storages) added to the sides and even the lower hull on the first Sherman is different. Out of nearly 50,000 Shermans, over 6200 were M4A1s. Although a very reliable and easy to produce tank, it was no match for the heavy German 'cats'. Due to its tendency to burst into flames after being hit, the Germans nicknamed it the 'Tommy cooker'.

Up next are the American mines. We have the M1A1 Anti-tank mine, made by ctz and the M2 Anti-personnel mine, made by PointBlank86. Whether you are trying to block a passage or simply seeking to blow stuff up, these two hidden explosives will see to it that your enemy goes up in smoke.

And last, but not least, we have the M1A1 flamethrower. This weapon is the perfect tool for taking out those hard to reach bunkers on the beaches of Normandy. Take care not to waste your fuel though, because you will burn through its four gallons of gasoline in just 10 seconds. This fire-breather was made by PointBlank86.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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11.01.2009 20:40 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today, we have renders of some American grenades and a brand new map for Normandy. Before we show the news though, we would like to welcome another mapper to our development team; Natty Wallo!

First up then we have Mark 2 "pineapple" grenade (right), made by Remdul and Seth Soldier and a collection of M1 Garand rifle grenades plus the M3 knife (left), also made by Remdul and Seth Soldier.

The Mark 2 "pineapple" grenade was used by US forces from the 1920s into the 1960s, with some being used in the Vietnam War. To arm the grenade, you would have to hold down the handle on the side and pull out the safety pin. After letting go of the handle, it would fly off, setting off the 4 to 5 second fuse. The Mk 2 was, much like the No 36 grenade, the "mills bomb" a fragmentation grenade. Because fragments could reach further than you could throw it, the safe way to use the grenade was from behind cover.

Up next is the map "Lebisey", by Mr. Cheese.

One of the more ambitious goals of D-Day was the capture of the Normandy capital of Caen on the very first day. Soldiers from Sword Beach would advance the 15 kilometres along the Caen Canal, past the small town of Lebisey into Caen itself. As with many plans in wartime this one soon ran into problems. The British 3rd Infantry Division ran into the heavy defensive positions of the German 21st Panzer Division at Lebisey and the Allied advance was halted. For an entire month the front remained stationary, until on 8th July Operation Charnwood began...

Be sure to visit our Maps Section to see the minimap!

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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02.01.2009 23:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to the first Forgotten Hope update of the year 2009. Before we continue with the regular update we would like to wish everyone a very...

Happy New Year!

Many thanks to FatJoe for the Image!

Mod of the Year Awards

As every year, the Mod Database is hosting their Mod of the Year Awards again. We encourage everyone to go over to their site and vote for your favourite mods, which hopefully includes Forgotten Hope 2. Be sure to sign up as a member, because votes from members count heavier than votes from unregistered users.

Click here to visit Forgotten Hope 2's ModDB page

On then to the actual news. Today we have renders of 3 more German vehicles for our Normandy Theater of War. The first of these is the Opel Blitz. This vehicle model is only slightly different from the Africa version, but it's got a brand new skin. The Opel Blitz was made by Mange, Jimbob and Toddel.

Next up is the Schwimmwagen. You may remember this amphibious Volkswagen from Forgotten Hope 0.7. The Schwimmwagen was originally made by Rad, updated for use in Forgotten Hope 2 by Toddel and coded by Gunnie.

The last renders for today are of the Tiger I (Late). This is not simply a reskin of the African Tiger; this is a completely new model. The easiest way to tell the difference between an early and a late tiger is by looking at the commander's cupola. The early Tiger I has a high drum cupola, whereas the late Tiger I has short cast cupola. The wheels are also significantly different, as the early Tiger I has 3 rubber-rimmed wheels per axle, while the late Tiger I has only 2 steel-rimmed wheels per axle. There are many more differences, so feel free to have a look at the render of the Tiger I (early) again to see if you can spot them.

The Tiger I (Late) was modeled by K96, skinned by Toddel and coded by ctz.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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