Posted by: Cpt Bocquier and Eat Uranium
03.06.2023 18:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

Today we are announcing our upcoming Beta Event, that will be running between:

Saturday 3rd to Sunday 4th June

After the success of the first beta event, we decided to run another one, this time with 4 maps from the beta for gameplay testing. 2 were in the first event and were improved thanks to your feedback, and 2 new maps are presented. We hope to get some good feedback on how these maps play that can hopefully lead to their eventual full release in a future update to FH2. These four maps are:

Bir Hakeim
by SputnikFighter & CptBocquier

This map is set in May-June of 1942, with the Free French forces trying to hold their remote defensive position in the Libyan desert, encircled by the AfrikaKorps.

by Guinho

This map is set in May of 1940, with the French and German tanks clashing in the area of Hannut. The map focuses on the village of Merdorp where the French have set defensive positions.

Operation Little Saturn
by La Hire

This map is set in December of 1942, with the Soviet followup offensive to their creation of the Stalingrad Pocket crashing into the Italians dug in to the north along the River Don.

by John Tomasson

This map is set in the early part of 1942, at the site of a Soviet offensive to break through into the besieged Leningrad pocket. The Germans in this location have dug in on a reinforced railway embankment.

You can see more of them and a little more of the history and background to the making of these maps in this interview video made by The Valiant:

The full map list for the event is as follows:

  • Bir Hakeim 64, 32, 16

  • Merdorp 64, 32, 16

  • Operation Little Saturn 64, 32, 16

  • Pogostje 64, 32, 16

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our Discord, our public forums, our Twitter, our subreddit, and/or Facebook pages to discuss this update and other news.

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