Posted by: Team
19.11.2003 22:00 GMT

Welcome to day 8 of The Road To 0.6 press release. Today we have four new skins for the Japanese Aichi Type "99" (Val). We also have a brand new building to showcase, the British RAF "Nissen" Hut. Check out these sweet additions below!

Japanese Aichi Type "99" (Val)
Japanese Aichi Type 99 (Val) shot #2

Japanese Aichi Type 99 (Val) shot #2

Japanese Aichi Type 99 (Val) shot #3

Japanese Aichi Type 99 (Val) shot #4

    Skin: Rad
    Model: Dice





This plane played an important role in the beginning of the Pacific War as a dive-bomber. Like it's illustrious German counterpart the "Stuka" it was designed in the mid 1930's (1936 to be precise). The Val and Stuka share a number of similarities: both are 2-seaters with fixed forward firing guns and a single flexible rearfiring gun. Also the landing gear is non-retractable. The Val however was carrier based, whereas the Stuka was only landbased. Also did the Stuka have a more powerfull engine, and the typically gull-shaped wings.

British RAF "Nissen" Hut
British RAF (Nissen) Hut shot #1

British RAF (Nissen) Hut shot #2

    Skin: Rad
    Model: Jackalx2k2





Many of Britain’s wartime defences were never intended to be more than temporary structures, built to serve a short-term need. A corrugated steel Nissen hut makes a fragile monument.

That concludes todays press release, be sure to check back tomorow for another update!

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