Posted by: Ts4EVER
26.10.2021 20:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

Today we have an unusual announcement: a special event to commemorate those developers that are no longer with us.

Forgotten Hope has been in development for more than 18 years at this point. Many developers have contributed to both FH0.7 and FH2 in these years. Sadly, some of those who shared our passion for this project have passed away. With the loss of chad509 and ArminAce in August 2021, the developer team sat down and decided on a special project: An event to honor those who are no longer with us.

The "Forgotten Hope 2: In Memoriam" event will take place on the 30th and 31st of October 2021!

With this event we will honor these developers and their contributions:


A founding member of the Forgotten Hope project and one of the most prolific and talented mappers for FH1. He was responsible for some of the most iconic and beloved maps, including Sector 318, The Storm 1944 and the ever popular Alpenfestung!


Many of our weapon animations in FH2 were made by him. He was especially proud of his Bren animations, which will be preserved in future FH2 versions.


As a weapons expert, he was responsible for many of the sounds in FH2. Whenever you reload your Lee-Enfield, fire the Drilling as an angry farmer or even just run around, shaking your gear, you are hearing his work.


Another original member from the FH1 days, he was one of the biggest influences on the development of the mod. Many of his BF1942 models were of such high quality that we still use them in FH2 today! He also dabbled in mapping, namely by making Adak island.

What could be a better way of remembering these legends than playing on some of the original FH1 maps, ported over to FH2 by various contributors? The event will include:

  • Adak Island

  • Foy

  • Breakthrough 1944

  • The Storm 1944

  • Valirisk

  • Battle Island

  • Kharkov Outskirts

  • Bombing the Reich

  • Alpenfestung

  • Desert Rose

  • Sector 318

But that's not all: The event maps will include a large number of new vehicles and weapons, including the CMP Pacific content, unreleased vehicles from official FH2 development and assets graciously provided by our friends from the FH:SW development team. Some of these you can see in the screenshots scattered throughout this announcement, others will remain a surprise...

The event files will be distributed through the normal FH2 launcher. We are looking forward to some amazing rounds of FH2 with players, testers and developers!

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our Discord, our public forums, our Twitter, our subreddit, and/or Facebook pages to discuss this update and other news.

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