Posted by: Eat Uranium
27.09.2020 18:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

Today we are showing off the first of the maps that will be featured in our upcoming version 2.6. You might recognise it from a video or two, but finally we can properly show off Flavion:

"Blitzkrieg" has become the most common term to describe German tactics in the beginning of World War 2, even though the Germans themselves never used it. One of the most famous examples of the lightning advances and combined arms warfare that characterized this stage of the war were the exploits of Rommel's 7th Panzer-Division, called the "Ghost" division due to its habit of turning up in unexpected places.

At one point not even the German high command knew Rommel's whereabouts. On the 15th of May, near the town of Flavion, the Ghost division faced heavy French tanks from 1re DCR. Even though their own armor was inferior to the enemy Char B1bis, cooperation between the different arms and better communications won the day for the Germans.

Flavion was made by the ever talented Ts4EVER. You can find the minimap and a preliminary vehicle listing here.

As a final note this week, we have spread our presence to Reddit as well. Come find us here.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our Discord, our public forums, our Twitter, our subreddit, and/or Facebook pages to discuss this update and other news.

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