Posted by: Eat Uranium
09.09.2012 22:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

Today we have an announcement by the Forgotten Honor and World at War tournaments, but first, a render of a rather unsuccessful German rifle: the Gewehr 41(W).

In 1940, the Wehrmacht recognised a need for a semi-automatic rifle to improve the firepower of the infantry. They decided on the specifications this rifle should have, and submitted this to various arms manufacturers. Both Walther and Mauser produced prototypes. Mauser's design closely followed the demands given: it could be used as a bolt action rifle should the gas system fail, it had no external moving parts, and it did not have a gas port bored into the barrel. The Walther design ignored the first two of these requirements, as they proved too troublesome to follow. As a result, while neither design was particularly good, Walther's was obviously the better of the two and was accepted into production.

Since no gas port was allowed to be bored into the barrel, the weapon used the "Bang" system (after its designer Søren H. Bang). Expanding gas was trapped in a ring around the end of the barrel and drove a piston that cycled the mechanism. It was prone to fouling and was difficult to clean. These problems eventually led to the G43, which used a modification of the gas system used in the SVT-40.

The G41(W) had a fixed 10 round magazine, and was loaded using standard 5 round stripper clips. Between 40,000 and 145,000 rifles were manufactured between 1941 and 1943. Ours was made by Seth Soldier. You can also see a preveiw of the animations for this weapon at Chad509's Devblog.

Our winners for this week's screenshot competition is United_Stealth. You can view the winning submission here.

We are now accepting entries for the week of August 20th. If you think you have the best FH2 screenshot, post them here.

Signups open
Only two months ago WaW and F|H decided to start a joint venture to bring their campaigns to a new level and end years of competiton. Now we are happy to open signups of our first joint campaign to the public! With this campaign we aim to offer even more organised, coordinated and team-oriented gameplay than before - every Saturday! And of course, thanks to Nemes1s' great work on the code, epic campaign battles with more than 64+ players.

Together we are backed by 18 years of experience in campaign hosting, a large pool of custom maps and custom equipment - some of it based on completely new theatres of war. In this campaign you'll be able to explore 10 of the best maps from our shared map pool. Join us and discover our custom additions such as the Italian theatre or the popular naval battles!

Here a short summary of the most important features we offer:

  • Massive 64+ player battles
  • 10 custom made maps
  • custom made equipment
  • completely new theatres
  • organised gameplay and great teamwork
  • 12 epic weeks
  • years of experience in organising campaigns and events

A unique feature of this campaign is that each of the communities represented in the joint venture hosts one of the two divisions. While WaW is hosting New Zealand's 72nd Maori Armoured Division, F|H is home to the German 1. Fallschirm-Jäger-Division.

72nd Maori Armoured Division 1. Fallschirmjaeger Division

WaW and F|H respectively take care of the entire hosting of their division, including division forums and division administration. Pick your side now and join either the 72nd Maori Armoured Division at WaW or the 1. Fallschirm-Jäger-Division at F|H!

If you want more impressions, cannot decide which side to join or simply want to share your fun during our campaign with others once you've signed up, visit our "neutral" homepage: You will also be able to go directly to WaW's and F|H's signup pages from there. If by then you still haven't decided wich side to join you can also use our Random button and let chance surprise you.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in our campaign!
FH2Tournament Administration

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel, our public forums, and/or our Twitter and Facebook pages to discuss this update and other news.

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