Posted by: azreal
29.09.2010 18:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2. Today, we've got the download link the dedicated server files, the changelog for 2.3, and some news regarding the state of single-player in 2.3.

Forgotten Hope 2.3

Firstly, we have this wonderfully done release image/wallpaper for 2.3 by FatJoe. You can download the pack of various sizes for your desktop by clicking on the image above.

Next up, a few quick notes. In case you missed Monday's post with the links for the pre-release torrent files, you can click on the following link to view the original update and find the links to the necessary client files.

Go to Road to Forgotten Hope 2.3: Part 1

Also, for anybody that wishes to host the 2.3 client files on their FTP, please send an e-mail saying so to Flüster at He will give you instructions on how to do so for Friday's release. Thank you.

And now we have some pictures of FH2 bots in action. In past releases, the single-player section of FH2 had been somewhat lacking. Today we are proud to announce that thanks to the work of Winterhilf and Remick04, that is no longer the case. Among the numerous changes, bots will now use aircraft armed with rockets, artillery, and the proper tank shell for the situation at hand. In addition to this, 12 news maps are receiving SP support in 2.3, including Battle of Brest, Ramelle, and St. Lo Breakthrough.

Next up we have the server files for those who wish to host their own dedicated FH2 server. If you do not plan to do this, you do not need to download these files.

Download the Forgotten Hope 2.3 Server Files

If you are curious as to the new features coming in 2.3, then look no further. Below is a short list of most of the new content that you can expect so see.

-Three new maps: Ramelle-Neuville, St. Lo Breakthrough, and Battle of Brest
-Working mobile artillery
-NCO can choose between a rifle or SMG
-Improved single-player
-New handweapons including the Fg42 ZF and the M1918 Trench Knife
-New vehicles including the Wespe, M16 MGMC halftrack, and the Wasp Mk. IIC
-Numerous bug fixes and tweaks
-And much, much, more...

However, if you have a little more time and patience, then you can click on the link below to download the full changelog, containing all the changes that have been made since the 2.26 release

Download the changelog here

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back this Friday for the release. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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