Posted by: azreal
17.09.2010 19:30 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. We apologize for having been away for a few weeks now, and we have been working very hard to get 2.3 ready for release, but for now, we have an update which will bring more variety to the infantry world of FH2.

First and foremost, we have five brand new knives for the common soldier in both the US and German armies. From top to bottom we have the Fallschirmjäger Gravity knife, the Hitler Youth (or HJ) knife, the Luftwaffe knife, the Heer knife, and the US M1918 Trench knife.

The Fallschirmjäger paratrooper, model OTF knife was true a gravity knife, in that the user had to point the weapon down and let gravity draw the blade out. Then it could be locked in the open position to assist if a solider had to cut himself free from a tangled parachute. The HJ knife was given to members of the Hitler Youth to be worn as a part of their uniform, and the Luftwaffe and Heer knives were given to troops in their respective units. Lastly, the M1918 Trench knife originally saw action in WWI. Its primary feature was a metal knuckle guard with small spikes to prevent anyone from grabbing the weapon, but also to improve the striking power of the solider using it. All knives will be present in various German and American kits in 2.3, and were made by Seth Soldier.

Also in the next patch will be the new knife system designed by Kev4000, which will make the average player much more effective when using a knife, as well as make the average knife fight in FH2 much more interesting.

Finally, we have an announcement from the Forgotten Honor tournament regarding the opening of Campaign 7. Here's what they had to say.

Forgotten Honor proudly presents Rendez Vous with Destiny Fight in land, sky and water. France is waiting. Are you ready for airborne action?

After five months of mapping and developing we are proud to offer one of the greatest campaigns ever done. Experience the airborne battles of Normandy through the eyes of the American 101st Airborne Division or the German Panzer Lehr Division in 12 battles and enjoy 10 great custom maps, most of them being exclusively produced for this campaign as well as completely new features such as spawnable C-47s used for paradrop landings on several maps!

In Forgotten Honor: Rendez Vous with Destiny, you will experience:

  • - Forgotten Hope 2 mod at its best
  • - 12 new intense battles exclusively designed for the Normandy airborne campaign
  • - Spawnpoints deployed by squadleaders, creating new tactical opportunities
  • - Spawnable C-47s used for paradrop landings on several maps, bringing a whole new experience to FH2
  • - Further new content and features for deeper battlefield immersion
  • - 2 sides fighting on a full 64 player server
  • - New friendships with like-minded people from all over the world
  • - It is free, and everybody is welcome

Join the Forgotten Honor Campaign

Forgotten Honor Tournament has a wide experience in arranging campaigns for Forgotten Hope 2 and many other games. We are an international online community of players, created by players, run by players and maintained by players. We always strive to make the best campaigns for you, and our team of organizers and talented mappers are proud to announce this campaign open for sign-ups. Both the allied and the axis side eagerly await your enlistment and will gladly guide you to victory.

Experience the exhilaration of victory and the soul searching after a defeat, as you stand or fall together with your teammates. Duty is calling for battle, we are waiting for you!

Click on the "sign me up" picture for direct link to Campaign sign-up.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums.

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