Posted by: B.F. Pierce
29.08.2004 22:00 GMT

Welcome back folks for another update as we approach our massive internal testing phase to work out all of those kinks to ensure that the next release of Forgotten Hope is as best as it can be.

Today we have one new vehicle render to show off, this time it is the newly redone M36 Jackson Tank Destroyer, redone by zero in order to greatly improve the look, and performance of this vehicle!

We would also like to showcase one of our newest level creations that will be included in the next release, Tarawa! Between November 20th and the 23rd the United States Second Marine division assaulted this small atoll in the Betio Island chain. This small island was the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the war. Following an immense naval bombardment that was supposed to obliterate the 4,700 Japanese defenders, the Marines made their landings. The first day of the assault saw the Marines being caught in shallow water against a fortress of Japanese machine guns, pill boxes, and tunnels. However with reinforcements the following day the 2nd Marine division was able to take the island by the 23rd. Casualties were immense for both sides, with the Marines suffering 3000 casualties, and of the 4700 Japense defenders, only 17 survived the battle.

Below we have 6 screen shots of this new addition to the Forgotten Hope Mod created by Dime a Dozen with tons of custom statics done by Lobo and D_Fast.





That's all for today, but be sure to stop by our public forums to discuss this and other news updates!

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