Posted by: StrangerThanFiction
26.10.2005 21:45 GMT

Hello, and welcome to the BitTorrent pre-release of Forgotten Hope 0.7. The file you download with bit torrent will have a password, that will not be revealed until the main release, which is currently scheduled for 1800 GMT on October 28th. The file is just over 2 gigabytes so it will be worthwile to get started early! Be patient though!, torrents take a while to pick up speed!

Forgotten Hope 0.7 BitTorrent File

If you have difficulty getting the above link to start, you might want to try this one:

Forgotten Hope 0.7 BitTorrent File alternative

For those of you who are not , it BitTorrent is a peer-to peer distribution tool that allows many people to download from each other simultaneously. This means the more people that are connected the faster the potential download speeds. If you are interested, you can read more about it here.

If you do not have a BitTorrent client, or have difficulty connecting, you might want to try Azureus, which is relatively easy to get started with, and has some interesting features. you can get Azureus here.

That's all for today, but be sure to keep watch for more goodies in the next few days. Until then, feel free to visit our public forums to discuss this update or complain about how long it is taking.

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