Posted by: StrangerThanFiction
13.09.2005 05:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back folks for an especially significant Forgotten Hope news update. We have lots of interesting new stuff to show you, for both FH1 and FH2, but first we have an important announcement: Armin Ace is stepping down as the leader of Forgotten Hope.

For three years Armin has been tireless in his labors for the mod, both as a modder and as team leader. Now his work obligations have increased to the point where he no longer has enough time for FH. Hopefully, Armin will someday be able to come back and make some new stuff for FH2, but until then, we wish him the best in his new pursuits. Please join the FH team in a salute to Armin Ace for his great contributions to the BF1942 community, and also in congratulating him on his new job responsiblities.

Lobo will be taking over Armin's role as we wrap up FH 0.7 and prepare the first release of FH2. Please give him a big hand for accepting this difficult and time consuming task. Anyone who has general business to conduct with the mod, such as new dev applicants, should contact Lobo at

OK, as we promised, we have plenty of new goodies. For starters we have our first ingame shots of some things for the first version of FH2. The first group of images shows off some lovely new North African style buildings by Malsa, as well as a public fountain by Rad. These statics are only for Forgotten Hope 2 for BF2, and will not appear in 0.7.




Next here are some ingame looks at Rad's African theater Kubelwagen. You have all seen ingame shots of it before in BF1942, but it looks even better in BF2!



Finally, before leaving the BF2 goodies behind, lets take a closer look at Malsa's building one more time. Expect to spend a lot of time in here while you are waiting for antitank support.



In case you were wondering whether we had run out of new surprises for 0.7, never fear. Our Tobruk map has been taken over by Italians and Aussies! Many thanks to all the former members of The Lost Battalion mod team (one of whom, Augustus has joined FH) for supplying the excellent Australian voice pack! The rework of Tobruk was by Lobo, who also made slouch hats for the Aussies, as well as feathers and pith helmets for the Italians(with some help from Stuka). The Italian uniforms are by McGibs. Also thanks to all our testers who helped us stage these pics.



As a last treat, those wily Australians have stolen some Italian M13/40s and turned them against their former masters. This actually occurred, as the Commonwealth forces had captured large amounts of Italian equipment during the opening stages of the war.

That's it for today folks. We hope you enjoyed the update and would like to invite you to visit our public forums to discuss this or other Forgotten Hope news.

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