Forgotten Hope 2

Forgotten Hope 2 is compatible with the following versions of Battlefield 2:
- Retail (make sure to apply patch 1.41 and patch 1.5)
- Steam (no more available)
- Origin (no more available)

FH2 Launcher

Our new FH2 Launcher is now the regular way to install, update and play Forgotten Hope 2. Simply install the FH2 Launcher into your Battlefield 2 folder. It will start the installation or update your existing build to the latest version.

FH2 Launcher Setup

Server Files

You only need these files, if you plan to run a dedicated FH2 server on the internet.

FH2 2.65 Server Build

BF2 originally shipped with Python 2.3, to get FH2 running, you must include following snippet at the start of python/bf2/ after the import lines

if "linux" in sys.platform:
sys.path = [
'%s/python' % host.sgl_getModDirectory( )
print "What are you doing?"

Help needed?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on our forum or join us on Discord.

Note: On Windows 10 you might have to install DirectX manually to get Battlefield 2 running.

Support the cause

You can help us spread FH2.65 by seeding the torrent file.
FH2.65 Torrent