Posted by: Team
28.10.2003 22:00 GMT

After weeks of no updates, after thousands of comments concerning Beta 0.5, after hearing your wishes and concerns in our forums, on servers and in real life, we’re proud to announce that Beta 0.6 is on its way. We tried to listen to you guys to make FH more enjoyable for all of us. A big Thank You! to all guys that gave feedback and provided us with new ideas.

0.6 will include hundreds of improvements and Bugfixes, new maps, new weapons, new vehicles and new gameplay features. Expect something big you've never seen before!:

- Merciless sounds and skins, in a quality Bf42 gaming hasnt experienced before
- Pacific Shores pacific campain, new japanese vehicles and weapons
- A German version
- New Vehicles
- New Ships - Ark Royale, Schnellboote and other navy vessels
- New Aircraft - Russians should have a chance against the tigers shouldnt they?
- New Custom Map Objects
- New Maps including "Gold Beach" and "Omaha Beach  

Gameplay features including:
-- Merciless 1942 Flight Engine by Takiwa 
-- pilot & parachute classes
-- towable artillary
-- recoded vehicle behaviour
-- useable carrier ship elevators

For now have a look at our current progress pics:

First we'd like to present you the pilot class: Luftwaffe, USN and USAAF player model:


The progress of our modelling departement: FG42, Me323 and lude's awsome Ark Royal model. Followed by lobo's PBY-5A Catalina and our Barrage Balloons




And here you see the first pics of our edited USS Enterprise with an useable evelator to bring more live to the carriers!


more will be revealed soon. Stay tuned soldiers! 0.6 is on the way!

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